/r/News breaks into chaos as Swing Set Susan is arrested for impersonating a police officer after yelling and Hispanic kids they can’t play in the park and having a long wrap sheet herself.

48  2019-10-25 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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  1. /r/News breaks into chaos as Swing ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Lmao what the fuck is wrong with this lady

A mix of BPD and Narcissism. In short, she's a bitch.

More American than diabetes and apple pie.

White foidism

Melanin deficiency

It's a mayo, no further explanation needed

Swing set Susan huh? Id like to see her set swinging if you know what I mean, hehe 😳🤭

no please expand

Multiple DUIs, domestic violence (as a woman no less!), and impersonating a cop to yell at ethnics

That's a pretty impressive rap sheet for a mayo foid

Those people saying teens being on the equipment makes them assholes is just making me angry. It'd be one thing if there were kids trying to use it, but in the vid it's clear that it's just a bunch of teens hanging out. And as for damaging the equip, it was one kid on one swing - which again if like 10 of them were trying to squeeze on then sure, but 1 kid will not damage a properly made swing.

Yes, it is possible for teens to be assholes in public spaces meant for younger children, but based on what we see in this video here, this is quite clearly not one of those cases.

And of course, even if they were, it doesn't excuse the behavior of that foid raging bitch.

“Permit Patty” now “Swingset Susan” get national media coverage, but you’ll never see a “liquor store Laquisha” ... they’re coming for you too mayo foids. it’s already too late