Daddy's very good dementia lawyer ass dials NBC and is overhearded begging for cash and yelling about Biden.

99  2019-10-25 by WarBoyPrimo


For the billionth time, Rudy is the dumbest motherfucker every involved with the Trump administration.

That's quite an accomplishment.

The man has never settled for being last place.

Right? He looks at daddy with his one dementia-riddled brain cell bouncing around in his head like a windows screensaver and goes "hold my beer."

This is just hilarious, check out the cope in TD "Fake News" if it was actually fake they would be jerking themselves raw over "exposing" them.

How tf has butt dialing been a thing since flip phones were introduced?

I don't wear underwear so I sometimes thigh-dial through my pocket.

You are now imagining Rudy Poo naked without his underroos, his gray bush balls dragging on the parkay floor

I am but still having trouble imagining the phone call unless he uses his balls for a thumb print

This only proves that I'm not MDEfugee, downie, autist, or any other labels you cucks try to put on me. I'm my own party, army and a movement. I'm an independent, thinking, rational person unlike you dumb sheep.


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The fact snappy and bussy were downvoted here should tell us the MDEfugees have run amok

Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. Daddy's very good dementia lawyer a... -,

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I do find it interesting that the afternoon voicemail shows that Giuliani at least act like he believes Hunter Biden was behaving criminally.

This may not have been an accidental butt-dial. Maybe Mayor McSenile has learned 5D Chess from his Sith master and is mind-tricking the press.

LOL, just kidding. Everyone knows journalists don't have brains.

Lol you're not even joking with this headline. The fuck timeline is this?

Everyone in the administration is fucking stupid but I hate how this is supposed to be a news article yet the framing is biased. Just give me the details. I don't want to hear what you think is unfounded or not, Mr. Journalist.

I love boomers

Rudy is the closest thing we have to a deep state.

I think he did it on purpose.