After nearly five separate delays over a year, Saint Kanye finally blesses his followers with a 27-minute Gospel album. Some devoted worshipers are less than amused.

75  2019-10-25 by seshfan2


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Spit out parts of the veggieburger I was eating when I read this. I genuinely mean this: thank you keep being funny please.

Never change, redditors

I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. After nearly five separate delays o... -,

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Hip hop hoes mad

White hiphopfags need to be rotten out. They are an insult to Allah's good earth. May he break the backs of those disease ridden rodents.

atheistutics cope

Ok we're going on T+10 hours and the best I'm seeing is "DAE athieshits mad x24". Not looking good for ye cels

I don't have a problem with the gospel part, but what is it about loving Jesus that makes musicians brain dead and lyricists sound like accountants?

I heard the intro. It's already piqued my interest.

Loving Jesus isn’t the problem. There's plenty of Christian artists that make good music, lots of rappers too. The problem is when you try to combine Christian music with other genres. Christian rock? Trash. Christian rap? Trash. Christian death metal? fucking bangers trash.

I killed the devil with my prayerbolt

There's plenty of Christian artists that make good music,


A big problem is I think the entire obsession in loving Jesus. So many songs its clear they just wrote a mediocre love song and subbed in Jesus. They don't get out of their pop music comfort zone.

Gregorian chants has subjects beyond "On baby Jesus I love / Washed in the arms of my savior forever" (except in Latin). They were also generally a lot better than modern pop Christian.

Someone needs to make Christian Crunkcore, I wanna hear it m

IMO I think it's partially because Kanye comes off as so fake. It's like when the 45-year old homeless drug addict suddenly "finds Jesus" and constantly won't shut the fuck up about how God is great and Jesus is the best

Screams in David Haas

Hands On is such a drama-inducing songm