Despite making up 0.6% of the population, trans people are the subject of 99% of online drama.

176  2019-10-26 by Ghdust2


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I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Despite making up 0.6% of the popul... -,

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What a totally true sounding story

Iā€™m 99% sure that only admins can shadowban accounts and most of the shadowbans are sitewide and automated to target spam accounts. Also dude, trannies, lmao.

Lol if they started shadow banning every user that said something bad about trannies at least 25% of the comments would disappear over night.

I wish 100% of comments would disappear over night.

What would you do with your spare time then?

Probably get around to reading Oliver Twist.

Lame. Read Moby Dick if you are going to read a classic.

Moby Dick was a bore. It was like reading the Bible but without any of the ultra-violence.

Spoken like a true landlubber.

Ig you're right. I have a copy of it, might as well give it a second chance.


Why read when you can watch?

You can be shadow banned by automod in a particular sub.


She made this whole crypost because her comments were removed from a sub because her account was too young. They had a warning on the sidebar, but that doesn't give you victim points

Its kinda dumb they think acting like a bitch and having headache counts as a period if that was the case i have a period every week

Lmao just claim to be genderfuid. Every time a foid complains about her period tell her you get 'em too so she can't complain.

My god. If you could do that and get them fired if they got pissy it would be hoes mad DEFCON 1.

Unironically might due it. Luckily I don't have to deal with a lot of foids at my work.

Make sure you are foid-passing first or RIP Tzar-Rommy bro.

Nah. I'd try to present even more masculine (growing a beard + mustache). It's about finding a limit and pushing it.

"I am genderfluid and I have genderfluid leaking out once a month"

So a handful of their comments were removed in a single sub, most likely because they're a brand new account, and they go and make this cry post?

Yes it was literally because her account is too new. They have a link in the sidebar explaining this, but it's way more fun to automatically assume you're the victim of a massive conspiracy by trannies to silence your opinion

I am so sorry about the rape and the cancer. You are incredibly strong and I completely understand how your period could be dramatic. Sending good thoughts your way OP.

Facebook greets

Here's a fact. All of the mods for r/twoxchromosomes are trans women. Trans women took over a sub meant for women. They literally do not have two x chromosomes.

The transluminati strike again

That one and actuallesbians.

MABABWTW āœŠāœŠšŸæāœŠšŸ»

.58% to be precise. 3-3.5 for the whole lgbt community as a whole if you count people not out of the closet yet.

It's mostly cause of the narcissism, delusion, and BPD

And I would know!