LSF sub gets mad when someone calls out their bullshit about creating a freakshow circus by always upvoting a girl streamer [GASP] that has overdramatic tics

11  2019-10-26 by SageKnows


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I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. LSF sub gets mad when someone calls... -,

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LSF has some kind of obsession with this girl. Her tics are always upvoted to the top of the sub. This is literally people laughing at that one retarded kid in school situation. This is literally making fun of disabled chick [if she even is one, I doubt her tics are weird]. But LSF gets so MAD at this

She's hot and her disability makes her say filthy things. It's prime LSFers wank to, before heading into pornhubs JOICEI channels

freak shows are progressive because they give retards, cripples, and weirdos ways to make money off their disability that would otherwise impair them from a normal life

Anyone who watches a stream is just the bottom rung of existence and honestly shouldn't even be considered human.