yasss queen, Vox reporter details her cultural enrichment amongst basketball americans.

179  2019-10-26 by 2Manadeal2btw


Wow, you just proved what an absolute retard you are.


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My sentiments exactly.

Jews did this


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only twerks worth a damn these days are afroman twerks

“Pleasure activism asserts that we all need and deserve pleasure, and that our social structures must reflect this. In this moment, we must prioritize the pleasure of those most impacted by oppression,” she writes in the introduction.

TERFs proven right by woke twitter once again.

Lmao isn't this is literally just hedonism but with extra steps

can't wait to see how this gets stolen by trans activists. "My Pleasure Activism says you have to suck my ladydick or you're a bigot! My pleasure is more important than yours!"

In this moment, we must prioritize the pleasure of those most impacted by oppression,

Pedophiles rise up

Minor-Attracted Persons surely

This reads like a r/braincels post lmao

I will always miss that place.

F to pay respects.




I think your flair is gay

Thank you! :>

I love how every humanities academic has one shit gimmick concept they just try and spam everywhere. Like just come up with a new word and run around saying it while mentioning your an academic. That way eventually everyone else starts saying it to sound smart, because academic jargon is smart, you get a new term to just start using around people without explanation and act all smug and obnoxiously faux shocked when they ask for it to be explained. Better yet is when they have to much pride to admit that they don't understand what you're saying, they try to pick up the meaning from context and pretend they know what you're talking about, in fact they've come up with a different slightly or largely incorrect definition of the term in their head, they start using it everywhere to sound smart. And then you've got a nerd war on your hands as the nerds furiously correct one another.

Academia is basically a jargon factory tbh.

Like tbh math is a jargon. You know before the 17th century all math was done in native language? This sucked because it's often very difficult to explain a mathematical concept in plain language without getting lost. So that invented a new language without ambiguities, just numbers, variables, and a bunch of random squiggly lines that represent common functions. And it's infix too, which is retarded. Like I'm pretty sure that math uses infix notation purely because all the European languages that the notation was developed in were SVO, the verb (the function) is in between the nouns, so of course you put the function between the numbers like a retard and cause all sorts of problems down the line. Of course they didn't even know what linguistic syntax was, people wouldn't even start beginning to get a grasp on that until Noam Chomsky in the 60s, people kept on trying to abstract away features of language without even understanding how their language had inevitably influenced the concepts they were abstracting away.

There have actually been many attempts to extend the autism that is mathematics generally, create a universal objective language with no ambiguities in which everything can be perfectly understood. All of these are unbelievable horseshit. Like the first attempt was this dude in the 1700s, he basically made a taxonomy of knowledge where he grouped all the shit he could think about into this weird knowledge tree, and at the each node of the knowledge tree he'd have a single concept, and helpfully he'd provide all the examples of English words which redudantly had the same meaning as the concept represented as that node, and he'd make up some horseshit compound word which was basically all the previous points in the knowledge tree added together. The end product was basically that you'd wind up traversing an incredibly difficult to use thesaurus, and then write those words down to make your language.

In what order did you write the words down? Well again, this was 200 years before scientists had the faintest clue what linguistic syntax was, so it was basically English syntax with different words, he had no meta understanding of syntax so he assumed that was just how words were written I guess.

Literally this latter went on to become the first thesaurus, they ripped out the shitty knowledge tree method traversal, just listed every word next to its synonyms in alphabetical order and then you could find other synonyms. Dude literally spent his life autistically trying to get rid of synonyms, because he thought that would basically create math except for everything, and all he accomplished was providing a way for nerds to figure out how to spice up their shit with really obscure synonyms. Sad.

Later attempts at creating perfect universal languages include a weird movement in the 50s where people started making up symbols for each word, because they thought that would make things super clear for some reason (also, yet again, this was pre-chomsky so it was basically English except you had to memorization thousands of symbols). And in the 80s more autists came up with lojban which is supposedly a perfectly logical language based around formal logic. Except formal logic is basically a math, it's strictly defined and your can't say much in it, there are also different kinds of formal logics like Aristotelian logic and term logic, and once you've made that into a language by definition you've introduced an incredible amount of informality and vagueness because otherwise your couldn't say anything. So yeah it's basically just a bunch of nerds walking around thinking they're smart because they're using constructs that sound vaguely logic like to them.

At least it was post-chomsky and the creator bothered to define an actual syntax for the language, so it's not just English with non English words like all the other systems. It's not any better than English, it's much worse, but at least it's not literally English with extra autism. You can thank Chomsky for that though, not them, seriously, just read Chomsky, he's very smart and he changed everything.

still unemployed then?

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Based linguisticscel

I like you better like this. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help encourage you to post interesting shit like this, instead of quasi-neo-post-ironic liberal rage bait

This needs to be a snappy quote

without even understanding how their language had inevitably influenced the concepts they were abstracting away.

Sapir whorf believers are the lowest form of scums.

The only Worf I need is the one who fires my phasers.

I have no idea what you are talking about, and I am proud of it. Nerd.

"In this moment.."

I never thought I'd feel nostalgic over the euphoric meme.

  • AALewis

This is Bentham's fault

Literally who cares what this fatty did

its my post so you should care for me. :)

I care I'm just too lucid at this hour to post anything more retarded than what she wrote.

Damn I thought Lizzo was Elizabeth Warren's nickname or something. I wasn't even surprised she was holding twerk competitions.

Warren is Pocahontas

Activist, writer, and theorist adrienne maree brown created the concept of pleasure activism in her new edited collection, Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good. “Pleasure activism asserts that we all need and deserve pleasure, and that our social structures must reflect this. In this moment, we must prioritize the pleasure of those most impacted by oppression,” she writes in the introduction

Aristippus of Cyrene BTFO

My pleasure activism is pinging ;/

pleasure activism

So hedonism?

Political hedonism.

Can't have fun without there being some stupid fucking agenda to identify with.

Apparently this retard never even heard of a "love-in".

For fucks sake.. I can't even

How dare you hate on this queen, she's a doctor......of women and gender studies. The west is dead and foids killed it

Gender and women's studies. You got it reversed.

Does this mean women aren't a gender? Since they specify it as something different than gender?

She's looks like she's also got a PhD in binge eating.

Pleasure is bad


I heard that, theoretically speaking, there is a type of aesthetics - an upper level of beauty appreciation, if you will - related to seemingly objectionable, nasty and disgusting imagery but I have yet to experience it.

This does more to suppress male virility than any soy drink you will ever drink.

Summary for people too lazy to read?

“I shook my fat ass to pwn the establishment”

Our society tells us that pleasure is bad and sinful

Literally no one says this

But it should.

Ascetics RISE UP

Islam is right about women

Our society tells us that pleasure is bad and sinful

Literally no one says this

Pleasure is the way I love and take care of myself.


As a gender and women’s studies professor

so of course she's a fatty in a cape

created the concept of pleasure activism in her new edited collection, Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good. “Pleasure activism asserts that we all need and deserve pleasure, and that our social structures must reflect this. In this moment, we must prioritize the pleasure of those most impacted by oppression,”

Slannesh approves.


I am a pleasure activist. The question you should all ask yourselves is why you are not.

Good fucking god rightoids could not fake an article better than this one and this one is actually real...

If I had to read every vox article in a row I would just kill myself before the end.