Get it before it's gone! Article shows that men actually are funnier(get over it). /r/science splits into those who cope and those who think they're the funny ones.

265  2019-10-26 by cochnbahls


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My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Get it before it's gone! Article sh... -,

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Ok, this is 2nd thread on the same subject.

MensLib is thataway >>

We posted at some the same time. Mine was a couple minutes later so I deleted it.

>Because women are expected to be pretty and quiet and not be funny. As a woman that can be “funny” it’s absolutely made me unpopular with certain types of men who are uncomfortable with women having that kind of confidence and ease in a conversation enough to make jokes because they feel “emasculated”. It’s only certain types of men but I feel like they used to be more common - the type who think women should be nothing more than eye candy that doesn’t speak out of line.

Sounds like cope to me. But I mean, she's a Lesbian so why is she complaining?

>How do you rate humour though? There are sets targeted solely for gay audiences which may rated poorly by straights. Some people like political jokes some don't. Entire internet goes crazy for suicidal jokes that might annoy some. Different countries have different sense of humour. What about history jokes, science jokes, engineering jokes and many others?

Even the stereotype might affect the assessment process.



Yeah that's a tranny.

whats the percentage chance you'd say? About 40?

That he won't be around in three years? Inshallah.

Women spaces on reddit are a hilarious failed social experiment, as each and every one of them is colonized by the MtF horde.

And 👏🏿 that's 👏🏿 a 👏🏿 good 👏🏿 thing!

I like your new flair

Thank you! :>

A fat one at that.

It's a (((psychology))) study so I'm kind of surprised they didn't just deny reality and show that foids are funny. Even a pseudoscience can't deny this level of reality

just because you’re usually wrong doesn’t mean all social science is bs. You’re c0ping harder than anyone in the linked thread.

Yeah a lot of soft science categories are borderline psudoscience. You can't quantify humor so everything is just the results of opinions.

You can't quantify humor so everything is just the results of opinions.

Ffs, the average state of dramanauts.

Yeah I mean it's all opinions so if we get the opinions of 10000 people as to whether something is funny and they almost all say it's funny can we really say it's funny?

Opinions are not a hard science is what I'm saying. No matter how much data you get on opinions it will never be fact. This is why it's a soft science and not a hard one. This is why communism keeps rising. Literal retards think it can work so they keep trying. Just because 10m people think communism is good doesn't mean it is. That's why republics are better than absolute democracies. You elect smarter people and then THEY make decisions. You're basically arguing that SRDines are smarter than we are simply because there are more of them and they can punch down at us in sheer numbers.

Imagine being so retarded that you think social sciences are just opinions that makes communism 'keep rising' despite the fact that economics has basically proven everything said by every communist thinker wrong 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

I swear to God, rightoids are pissing me off by being worse than leftoids. How the fuck am I to maintain radical centrism when I gotta deal with shit like this?

Do you even know what a hard science is? Try actually using your ability to refute something.

Yes, I'm not a leftoid or a rightoid so my brain is actually functioning.

And what do you need me to refuse? How the soft science of economic refutes Labor Theory of Value? How the soft science of economics refutes central planning? How the soft science of economics refutes pretty much everything about communism, the thing you think is rising due to soft sciences?

e-economics is different tho

All of the social sciences are worthless except for economics. Milton Friedman was an economist and he was right-wing like me. I've never actually read Friedman's work, but I've seen clips of him on YouTube so I know that me and him are in complete agreement. What is that you said, a negative income tax and a land value tax? There is no way Dr. Friedman would have argued for that, that is globalist socialism.

If I had a penny for every time I have seen someone fawn over Milton and at the same time seethe over UBI (lets be honest its basically the same as the negative income tax) I would have about a dollar.

Ehhhh, I'd say of the negative income tax is a form of UBI it is one which if extremely specific and very different from something like NEETbuxx

science of economics



We're going to try our best to control all of the possible variables when studying the effects of certain policies. We know that we can never be perfect, however, we can take solace in the fact that we have hundreds of cases of similar and/or identical policies that we can study to find potential causal relationships. We can even do thinks such as experimental policies where we take a large group of people and put them into groups where different ones get different forms of welfare and see the effects of each. While not perfect, we are more politically diverse than most fields which helps elemenate bias, but we could always be better.


You idiots, you absolute fools. You cannot control for every single variable so literally everything is worthless.

It's fucking astounding how far people will go to try to maintain whatever ideological beliefs they have about economics 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣



Lmao at first I thought you were a seething rightoid, but I checked and saw you were a seething leftoid. It all makes sense now, I'd think economics was a sham as well if I ever thought that Marx was an actual economist 😂😂😂

If you're so into "hard science" wait till I tell you what p-hacking is...

why do you retards keep downvoting our resident shitposters

I've only ever downvoted pizzashill because he's stale as fuck

You can't quantify beauty either, but we still know men like big boobies and women like tall dudes.

If you gather enough data, you can draw conclusions.

This is correct and I actually have the conclusions of those beauty opinions if you want to check it out.

And of course: the actual science behind this article

Female comedians were funnier when they were called comediennes

Cis women are at their funniest when they aren't trying to be funny. Like that hit-and-run chick posted here yesterday.


This is why transgirls are the best girls. They are the hottest and the funniest.

nah, trannies and gay men are also unfunny as fuck most of the time. they seem to think any mention of sex at all is a hilarious joke.

Funny how they are all critical of social science when it doesn’t say what they want.

Wait. That's not funny at all.

Maybe she was just unfunny? 🤔

It's all subjective though so...

It also ignores the social factors. Women are encouraged to not try to be funny.


[Removed] [Removed] [Removed] [Removed]

I like Amy Schumer's jokes 🙆‍♀️

Women aren't funny, get over it.

Amy is! 😍

The only reason men are funnier is because they are more racist and racism is hilarious.

Can't forget about sexism. That shit is classic

I'm a senior in my undergrad for psych, and let me tell you, every class is completely dominated by women. Most of my classes, we are at least 3:10. I can also tell you that most of them don't find anything I, and the other two guys find funny, funny. Which makes for a very tense class if you have a teacher with a dark sense of humor. I feel like going to grad school for my psyd or PhD is going to be butt clenchingly difficult, only because of what I won't ever be able to say. It annoys the shit out of me that psychology has become a 'liberal" field, when it by nature, should never be liberal or conservative. Mental health is being defined by political standards instead of actual research standards. Like telling a person with gender dysmorphia that their feelings are correct is just confusing them, especially if it's their first session and a psychologist basically has to say "I SUPPORT YOU JUST DO IT GET A SEX CHANGE EVERY FEELING YOU HAVE IS CORRECT".like if a schizophrenic patient came through the door and said " I feel like I'm being chased by people" the psychologist would say "ok let's talk about those and discover how these feelings aren't real". But what if the schizophrenic patient said "it's in my best interest for the health of my mental well being that I keep feeling paranoid and even attack people who I deem as following me", do we support that and say "yes it's your mental health do what you want" or "no, let's take a long time to discuss these things and help manage" "let's see what you feel like a different gender, it might take several sessions or a year but let's make sure you know exactly where these feelings are coming from and make sure you're going to make the best most positive choice for yourself". We keep moving the line of mental health and the field of psychology is just going to be another joke field like pottery.

Anyway, here's a joke: a guy asks a -redacted- couple if they want to go on a cruise, they respond with "oh no, not falling for that one again!".

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

I am a bot. Contact for questions

You're so cute, can I keep them in your toilet?

GOOD point.

Christopher Hitchens said it best

Funny women may exist but not be trying.

Hot take right there.

Want to hear a joke MurRAY?


15 points 4 hours ago


Lmao you faggot

If you want to see something really funny check out r/CircleBroke2 thread on this. MASSIVE COPE

I REALLY want to see that PDF but no free copies have been uploaded yet. I'm debating buying it myself just to see the juicy science.

If you email the authors, they'll send you the paper for free most of the time. You'd probably have to wait till Monday tho

Why would they do that? I've never heard of such a thing but I might do that.

Researchers don't usually benefit monetarily from getting their article published in a journal. So sometimes if you ask the researcher to send you an electronic copy they will. You kinda have to lie and pretend that you want to reference their paper for your own paper but you don't have access to it.

I use to do this in college to get access to papers without buying them, it works most of the time. Although this paper seems to be recently published so they might not send it. Worth a try tho

I told him I was an amateur statistician who collects cool pdfs. Dunno if that will work.

Lmao let me know if it works

you'll get a copy via gdrive np

A copy of our paper will be posted on my university website in a week or so should you will be able to download it.



yayyyyyyyyyyyy week

Look at that. There you go

Just use sci-hub.

>Yeah, I fucking LOVE science! Science is TRUTH!

>Wait, what’s that N number mean?

>What’s a control group? What’s an abstract? I thought Science was just looking at pictures of space and blackmagicfuckery!

>Wait, this isn’t the science I believed! This science is WRONG! Here’s my anecdotal evidence to prove it!

Its actually hilarous how actuallesbians etc are completely overrun by MtF's so woman had to flee to to complain about not wanting to take "girldick" as actuallesbians/other lesbian communities ban them for it

Last time I checked (about 2 years ago) /r/askwomen was still dominated by biofoids, but legit 80% of them were dumb as hell. Might have something to do with the moderating there, though, they're more delete happy than /r/science.