Happy Birthday ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‰

152  2019-10-26 by BasicallyADoctor


I suspect if she runs again she may actually win this time unfortunately

You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. Happy Birthday ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‰ - archive.org, archive.today

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I wanna know where this one came from

Love her or hate her, you have to admit this was a very dramatic post. And the fact that she might be running again means this tweet may just be true...๐Ÿคญ

Iโ€™d never ask for anymore drama if that happened

There is literally nothing I want more in this world for Hillary to run again and lose to Daddy again. Ideally by once again winning the popular vote but losing the electoral vote. Can you imagine? The seethe would carry on for decades, especially if no changes are made to the electoral college afterwards. It would be like family heirloom drama, passed down from one generation of dramanaut to the next.

Decades of seethe would be if she won. And imagine if that was followed by Trump winning again.

I can't even begin to fathom the drama if Daddy lost to Mommy. Might actually overdose us ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

Trump wins the popular vote but loses the EC to Hillary.

The media then goes on to remind us how the EC is actually a good thing.

Pizza immediately backtracks all those times he said it was stupid.

All the blue states that are attempting to get rid of the EC immediately cancel their legislative proposals.

the drama would be drowned out by the cheering. remember all the drama the day SOPA was put out to pasture?

of fucking course not. Same with when Romney won.

Wish we still had that policy where the runner up in an election became VP

The better alternative is her winning the electoral vote and losing the popular vote. All Dem criticism of the electoral college will disappear overnight. All the magatards will suddenly care about the undemocratic processes of the electric college. It's beautiful.

That would be absolutely glorious too. No matter what happens in the end, if she decides to run it'll be a good day for dramacoin.

Imagine being Clinton. Being cucked by a white man in the White House, than being fucked by a black and an orange man out of the White House.

It never even began for HRC-cels.

Every time I see this fucking picture I'm reminded of Shadman's Hilloli comics that were posted on this site a while back and it's really unfortunate because I'd rather not be reminded of such things.

She doesnโ€™t need to actually run. All you need is a brokered convention and she can come out as the perfect compromise candidate. A Hillary-Beto ticket would decimate the field.

Folks want to give her a hard time, but she would be the best Neo liberal candidate of the bunch, and bernie would be the best โ€˜democraticโ€™ socialist, what ever the fuck that means.

best Neo liberal

neoliberalism is a plague, the best of it would be ebola

She must be pretty good in the sack too, if she kept Billy interested for this long. Interns and underage Epstein hookers can only go so far...

True, but I think this was a marriage of convenience early on. Hence her daughters father being hubbel


Maybe she was the Russian asset all along

Thatโ€™s precisely what a Russian troll would say

Yaaaassss qween slay

Gotta admire that's she's never deleted this absolutely embarrassing shit. Though she probably had the intern that posted it killed.

how dare you mock suicide so ๐Ÿ˜ค

I hope she gets the nomination, I donโ€™t care about the general.

The youth of America are due for a reminder that the world is controlled by wealthy white people, and the only revolutions allowed are the profitable ones.