American Redditor 🤢🤢 tries to be woke but accidentally reveals what he actually thinks about brown countries. Americans on Reddit do it for free with no salary at all. 👷🏿‍♂️💪🏿 Chileniggers aren’t happy. Oopsies!

140  2019-10-26 by RBLXTalk


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Imagine being a progressive liberal and automatically assuming that all brown people are poors.

That’s what many wokies think tho. That all browns are marginalized all over the world.

I already seen’t dat nigga

Ah, I recognize your accent. You must be poor.

Broke as a mother fucka

Nigga buy my single, comin from Ingle, that’s my jingle.

I was talking to my friend about this. Muslims and Central American immigrants would probably all vote republican solely on social conservatism if you’d stop trying to yeet them back.

Muslims have traditionally been like the only minority that voted republican


t. West Argentinians

This but in German

This but unironically

t. Mexican Criollo

Both retarded rightoids and wokies think browns are all poor 🐴👞

But are they wrong?

Chileans aren’t even brown though.

Amerimutts didn't even consider slavs white for a while. For people whose hen pool looks like a fucking rainbow they sure have high standarts for beeing white.

Slavs aren’t white, they are Slavs.

The Amerimutt obsession with purity stems from his insecurity and the fact that they treat race like Japanese people treat blood types or like women treat zodiac signs.

only difference is that with race there are a couple of things that have real life consequences, like not getting shot by police at random. So that’s what makes it desirable

We didn't consider Italians and Irish and jews white, slavs were on another level

they arent?

But that's what they do.

Those Chileans are so articulate! It’s almost as if they had universities of their own.

universities of their own

Probably getting woker and woker as we speak

a lot of unis in Brazil are literally cells of communist parties and I'm not even joking

We should send them some cars so they don’t have to travel to school on donkeys

I'm all for just calling them "the poors" so the wokies don't have to get disturbed by icky "third world" terminology.

Switzerland was a fucking third world country.

All mountain shitters deserve to be caged in a third world country inshallah.

Every burger will eventually have that Biden moment... giving praise born out of lifelong condescension.

Ive done almost that exact same gaff, talking about why I dont feel the need to carry a handgun here cause 'its a pretty white city' lol

Hey, come on now, white kids are just as prone to gang violence as poor kids

Argentina is white

Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. American Redditor 🤢🤢 tries to be wo... -,

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Chile is the most burger country in South America.

Someone call jannie-Milton over here.

being a neoliberal in current year and thinking your ideology isn't becoming increasingly irrelevant

Neolibs are funny as fuck



American Redditor


Are you mad at americans or something OP?

Where do you see that? Please stop replying to me, you’re making me upset.😭

Commonwealth spelling is pretty common in New England, but that's not "real America"

Really? I've don't think I've ever seen commonwealth spelling used in the US, even close to Canada.

In Connecticut it's really common at least

The semantics behind “third world” are important.

This is how you know you have a useless degree.

A high schooler who just learned about the Cold War, if I had to guess. I used to be like that

“well, ummmmmmmm actually Ireland was a third world country”

whats the lie

based and anti IRA pilled

This nigga is lebanese lmfao

Chile > Hong Kong

Change my mind

They both belong to China