Well shit, priorities amirite?

48  2019-10-27 by MG87


Probably for the best. His mental capacity shows he shouldn’t actively be involved in any decisions regarding people’s lives.

They probably handed Trump an Xbox controller that wasn't plugged into anything

"AM I WINNING??!! ARE ALL THE TERRORISTS DEAD?", Daddy screams as he shoots yet another civilian and all the warhawks in the room have a giant grin on their face

"Staged"? Assembled in Photoshop. The figures are slightly out of proportion with one another, they're lit slightly differently in a way that doesn't suggest ambient lighting, the depth between Trump's chair and his back doesn't look right, etc etc etc

The cope is unreal. Original pic btw.

That does look really fake lmao

Dude, it's a 4k image, you can zoom in and look at the pixels!

Cope. Daddy has total support of the chiefs.

This bitch mad

lmao trying to rip off the Obama serious look pic at Osamas death

al-baghdadi was a b grade osama tbh and republicans were always mad they weren't able to get osama. obama in 2012 was basically like "hey i killed osama that means we won i think", it worked pretty well. i guess u gotta give them this one or it will never end.

Imagine bootlicking American Imperialism like this. Tfu, tfu, tfu.

Osama was a people's hero and so was this landlord-beheading Abu-whatever guy.

It looks like a meme collage.


Let's be crystal clear about something: Trump's rhetoric, mocking the death of a terrorist leader, will not have the deterrent effect he claims.

The only thing this kind of insulting & undignified language will do is infuriate the hundreds of ISIS prisoners Trump let escape.

this is disgusting

Pure unadultarated soyboy cope

Interesting, reddit seems to be shitting the bed again, I can see your comment as the direct link from my inbox but not as a subcomment of my comment. Same for https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/dnw6ub/well_shit_priorities_amirite/f5hliq6/?context=3

In order of attractiveness:

  1. far left

  2. 2nd from the right

  3. Daddy

  4. Pence

  5. right of Daddy

  6. far right

Weirdest cheerleader effect

Daddy has full and continuous situational awareness at all times, libtard. Get owned.

He used his dementia 2000 IQ to be in multiple places at once


Did he give the ISIS guy an ocular pat down?

Of course.

I just want to grill golf for god’s sake!

That one general who is obviously beyond over it mean-mugging the camera is my favorite tbh.


They literally had the template on how to take a good war-room picture. Why the fuck are they looking straight at the camera and the camera man is front of the screen

i like how hillary saw the camerman in the room so immediately did a dramatic gesture

that one was staged too though

Sure but at least they don't look as r-slurred

You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. Well shit, priorities amirite? - archive.org, archive.today

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Oh, no, media manipulation and staging by political elites started on... let me check... Oct 26, 2019.

Good catch.

I can now formally add you to the journo retard squad.


even if everything this stupid coping faggot posted was true. who the fuck cares? What the fuck is trump gonna do on the total opposite side of the planet? The fucking SEALs got that shit, aint notin he can do lmao

nope all the credit goes to al baghdadi himself

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People keep saying isis this and isis that

I just wanna golf for God's sake
