Halloween/Samhain thread: What’s your costume for this year?

29  2019-10-27 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


I'm going as MasterLawlz. Just gonna assault people with Post-Its and wonder why they hate me.

Halloween is a holiday for children and mental children

  1. It’s the best holiday you boring fuck.

  2. You could celebrate Samhain instead if you don’t want to Halloween.

embarrassingly awful take even by your standards

take a lap

> gommie poster stans for commercialized white person holiday


yikes you hate to see it

Virgin take

Tays second gussy

Whatever my s/o's little sister decides. I told her she could mess with my hair for the night if she came up with a decent costume to go with it

Is this a porn intro?

I certainly hope not, she's 14 and I'm not a libertarian

I'll be dressing up as the famous French chemist Antoine Bussy.

Plague doctor :>

I'm going as someone who's finally given up and is completely dead on the inside.

hahaha just make some seretonin hahaha

Borrowed one from Marco owo

A nerd

This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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its too early for halloween decorations.

It’s Thursday...

yeah thats like 4 days

I’m a spooky ghost 👻


Joker of course.

On a totally unrelated note, what if there was a shooting on Halloween. Like to be clear, this would be terrible and I don't want this to happen, but as we all know, Thotoween is essentially the favorite holiday of Chads and Stacys. I could absolutely see some incel go to a costume party dressed as the Joker and make the fake blood decorations into real ones.

Joker of course.

On a totally unrelated note, what if there was a shooting on Halloween. Like to be clear, this would be terrible and I don't want this to happen, but as we all know, Thotoween is essentially the favorite holiday of Chads and Stacys. I could absolutely see some incel go to a costume party dressed as the Joker and make the fake blood decorations into real ones.

I'm brown so probably JustinT

I'm going as a mayo in Africa.

Rightoids, contain your applause please.

going in my grandfather's ghost costume, he calls it "grand dragon" or something


I seriously hope you done the chad version and not just a regular mugshot.

How about a couples costume sugartits?

Only if we’re going as man & wife

Absolutely 😍. You go as Snally and I'll go as Pizzashill. Please send me feet pics to jack off to.

Has pizza been dumped? Send me your actually feet in the post and I might at a push give you a toe in return.

Slutty Anne Frank of course!

Day of the Deadcels rise up

I went to a Halloween party on Sat as Tommy Wiseau from The Room.

Pretty low effort because I already have long black hair, so half the costume was already done

anyway how's your sex life

I was at a Halloween party on Saturday I dressed in a Victorian steampunk look.

Find me a word that is more insufferably foidish and mayo than 'Samhain'


Saggy middle-aged alcoholic.

A dead fascist

I'm going as Fat Thor, my Pomeranian as rocket. The perfect plan

I'm going as Fat Thor, my Pomeranian as rocket. The perfect plan

Goin as mojo jojo and my gf is going as buttercup from powerpuff girls

A steampunk meth whore.