“Do you think the whole woke/SJW movement will ever fall out of style?”

53  2019-10-28 by Ghdust2


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every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. “Do you think the whole woke/SJW mo... - archive.org, archive.today

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Unironically yes.

People always forget that burgers have a history of moral panics. It literally comes in waves with every great awakening. In the mid 2000s it was Islamic Terrorism, before that it was violent media and satanic panic. Who knows what will be the new boogieman?

it'll be something juicy from the rightoids, that's all I know

rightoids going their own way

Hopefully it's McCarthyism 2.0

We could use it tbh

Russiagate is already a thing

Hopefully something better than wokecels and sperglord rightcels.

I remember my dad wouldn't ever let me open the mail because he was scared a terrorist was going to send us something


I would always check it just to spite him

Also he's unironically mad that TSA checks are not as anal as they used to be

before that it was violent media and satanic panic

There's a huge difference though. There was a lot of hand-wringing going on in the media but it had very little impact on the content of games. Doom and Quake could have all kinds of satanic imagery in them and get away with it. There's no way you'd have a AAA game released now that didn't conform to what's expected.

Imagine being terrified that blue-haired demisexual kweens are going to cause the mayocide >v<

I like how top level comment starts off innocently enough but then two comments in, it's essentially a deep seated seething explosion.

If fucking only modern American leftists were comparable to the genocidal regimes of the past. Now they couldn't start a revolution because what if you accidentally killed a guy who turned out to be 1/16th Cherokee and got canceled?

What communist genocides? Like the one in Indonesia? The only one I can think of.

This is poor trolling.

You win!

This same ideology is what became the Bolshevik revolution and the Chinese cultural revolution.

Nigger, what? Like, what the fuck is this bitch on about. Not even the fact that he thinks woke capitalism is actually communism, how in the fuck does he think that the Cultural Revolution has anything to do with the October Revolution? Like, if he said the Chinese Cival War than I'd be cool with it, but ffs the cultural revolution wasn't anything at all like the October Revolution in terms of goals or actions. Fuck Zoomers.

lmao Nothing Is Ever Gommunism, sure.


Not even the fact that he thinks woke capitalism is actually communism, how in the fuck does he think that the Cultural Revolution has anything to do with the October Revolution?

You are a stupid fucking idiot, you should be ashamed of yourself and your parents should be ashamed of you.

lmao Nothing Is Ever Gommunism, sure.

Define communism. Define the October Revolution. Define the Cultural Revolution.

A mob of jealous losers killing and robbing productive people x3

Nothing is communism

What do you define communism as?

Bad stuff I don't like

Unironically the rightoid is not a human, as the ability to have rational thought is a necessity to be a human.

(BTW, sweety, the October Revolution and Cultural Revolution are both communist in nature. That doesn't mean that are similar events, just as the American Revolution and the Civil Rights Movement aren't comparable events just because they both were based in Liberalism).

Look at the retard who actually believes there's more to gommunism than "kill the productive people and steal all their stuff."

Look at you, you absolute fucking moron. jealous moron who wants to kill the productive people and steal all their stuff, natch.

"kill the productive people and steal all their stuff."

I mean, considering jews are the most productive group that ever lived you could use that same definition to describe the Third Reich 🤔🤔🤔

Look at you, you absolute fucking moron. jealous moron who wants to kill the productive people and steal all their stuff, natch.

I'm an unironic Neoliberal you absolutely stupid bitch 😂😂😂😂😂 holy fuck, has the Aldactone fried your fucking brain? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

You understand what communism means, that means you must actually be a communist

HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA FUCKING IMAGINE THIS SHIT, NIGGER WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂😳😳😳😳😳😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😏😏😏😏😂😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🙄🙄🙄😂😂😂

Lmao nice spergfit you gommie retard.

Gonna tag you "gommie" so I remember to call you a gommie because it makes you shit yourself this hard.

makes you shit yourself

Yeah, I'm sure you're obsessed with what goes in and out of my bussy 😘

Oh look, the faggot's trying projection.

It's not very effective...



Why must there be a centrist party? There must be a centrist party because the world contains enemies who oppress the markets and people who want to throw off evidence-based welfare programs. In the era of leftoids and rightoids, just such a centrist party is needed. Without such a party it is simply impossible for the people to throw off enemy oppression. We are centrists, we want to lead the people in opening the markets, and so we must keep our welfare system in good order, we must consult economic journals, our policies must be picked policies and our sources good sources. Without these conditions the enemy cannot be overthrown.

-Centrist Mao Zedong 😍😍😍

The proof that the nazis are commies is that amerikkka beat them up for being succesfull, like they did with all successfull leftist countries.

You know, people like you are what keep me coming back without the pings. Having someone like you in a thread is almost as good actually pinging someone. Thank you.

You're welcome, I strive to have the highest quality possible in my social commentary. I hope that I have made valuable contributions to having civil and productive discourse.


Yeah once we put all the blue hairs in camps

Poles HATE it when you use this one neat trick


Last night I was thinking "ugh, is it really this healthy for me to be reading over the same issues over and over again? I'll just switch to something normal"

There is nothing normal be any more.

It's in everything. It's almost inescapable apart from a few communities im going to keep safe by not naming.

What's the rightoid version of TDS? SJDS just doesnt roll of the tongue. Is it just simple boomerbrain?