Chicken Sandwich wars continue as Popeyes throws shade at CFA and gays cope with the support of the inferior brand.

115  2019-10-28 by unrulyfarmhand


Popeyes is only in the ghetto though. Ya gotta go slummin if you want Popeyes. I almost went to CFA this Saturday but it was raining. It was my first world problem for the weekend.

There are Popeyes all over the suburbs you retard

I stopped into a Popeyes in a relatively nice area the other day to get a chicken Sandwich. Didn't realize they didn't have any, but I decided to get some tendies instead. God damn, the tendies exceeded my expectations. Employees didn't seem like they gave even half of a fuck about anything though.

Fast food workers not giving a shit about their work? 😱

At least they pretend to at CFA

Popeyes is also ground zero for buffoonery. At least CFA is quiet and clean and doesn’t need the support of the mainstream media to sell sandwiches.

I've actually never been to a Popeyes because I don't want to get robbed at a drive-through. CFA is indeed clean and quiet. This whole war is like comparing Lacqueetha's Weeve and Clothing Store to Sax.

I've actually never been to a Popeyes because I don't want to get robbed at a drive-through

I went to a KFC by Harpos concert theater almost 10 years ago. I ordered inside and literally had to order through a barely working mic/speaker, and hand over my money and receive my food through some sort of bulletproof glass, prison window, one way door system. Couldn't believe what I was seeing.

I see popeyes cups and bags on the streets of Philadelphia all the time and that should tell you a lot about their clientele.

Philly is great for Popeyes bags and wawa hoagie paper.

North Philly is basically paved with bud ice cans


I’ve had Popeyes a couple of times and it tasted really good tbh.

If you want to risk getting robbed and murdered at a drive through Church's is better, anyway.

In what world is Church's better than Popeyes?

Popeyes is also ground zero for buffoonery.

No, that's Church's Chicken.

Church's is ghetto as fuck, it's also the best fried chicken

The correlation of ratchet shit in the dining area to quality of food is a positive one

There are Popeyes in my Lilly white suburb lol

ha I've never seen a Popeyes in a white neighborhood before. Aside from that, I only see them off the interstate.

Yeah we got one. Brand new also. Maybe trying to expand into the white market.

Probably gonna fail, because their chicken is hot garbage and whiteys actually have taste

Whiteys actually have taste


whiteys actually have taste

"Oh wow! This black pepper is spicy!"

Black people have such great taste, known for putting salt on watermelon and using 3 cups of sugar for their purple drank.

Lightly salting anything makes it taste better, SMH. I thought boomers with their hypertension would be able to appreciate that basic fact.


Important word here

Mayo cope 😆😆😆🤣🤣

Black American cuisine is literally just white inventions that black people added so much seasoning to it gives them hypertension and diabetes.

So what your saying is that black people took white people food and made it better 😂😂😂

Enjoy your bland baked chicken honkie 🤣🤣🤣

I was with you until the h slur. Be better

Name one black american food that they invented and perfected.

Black Americans didn’t invent anything great, they just took white people food and made it better.

Cope harder mayo 🤣🤣🤣🤣

White people who believe that had retarded moms who couldn’t cook and gave them a complex.

Black people who believe that do it for the same reason they believe they was kangs. If you don’t have a history you’ll imagine one.

whiteys actually have taste

Excuse me sir, is your water too spicy? Don't worry, we'll immediately replace it with mayonnaise flavoured water for you.

Popeyes close to my home isn't suburb-y, but it sure ain't ghetto. At least I can walk there without people looking at me funny.

Maybe 5 years ago, they're expanding to where white people are now

Popeyes ghetto? Lol no you tard. Church's is where you go if you want a bullet with that 2 piece and a biscuit. Thinking Popeyes being ghetto is super mayo nonsense.

Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. Chicken Sandwich wars continue as P... -,

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There's no ethical consumption under capitalism

Luckily I don't give a shit about ethics

this but unironically

Such is the marxoid code of conduct.

CFA’s sandwiches aren’t mindblowing, but their existence causes pain and butthurt to many and for that I stan.

The people who hate them are butthurt for totally different reasons.

They probably left the sauce out for too long.

mayo goes bad if it's in the sun for too long. rookie mistake

CFAs sandwiches and over all quality isn’t matched by any other fast food, but their lack of chicken on the bone game puts them on a different level. Chicken on the bone goes;

  1. Bo jangles
  2. Publix
  3. Popeyes
  4. Kfc
  5. Churches/all others

chicken on the bone

That's just too much effort for me to deal with these days. I don't have enough spoons to eat food where I have to pick the inedible parts out. 😔

well there's your problem. you need a fork, not a spoon. But just use your hands lil cuckold

Use your hands you lil bitch

Bojangles over Publix

Delete your account

It’s over for publixcels

based Bojangles pick. Try out a Lee's if you're ever near one. Their bone-on is only okay, but their tenders and sides are all amazing. Good sauces too.

Been there, it’s okay. If you ever get a chance try one of the rare remaining original owned heavenly ham sandwich boxes.

Publix fried chicken is amazing. Never had Bo Jangles.

It’s pretty based, it’s from NC and they recently shut down a bunch of restaurants

Their sauces are pretty good.

Definitely, always grab a few extra for the fridge at home.

where is this sandwich back from?

It was sent to the shadow realm after losing to Seto Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Kaiba is largely considered an anti-hero, as his motives are usually egocentric and his personality traits are selfish and arrogant, but he does sometimes help Yugi and his friends if it’s in his best interest (although there are a few occasions where he helps Yugi when faced with a common enemy).


Popeyes ran out of chicken breasts to make this sandwich back in August

Lol and they think they can dab on CFA just by having enough stock now?


I think they intentionally kept supply low so chicken enthusiasts would freak out and they’d get free advertisements on worldstar.

Sunday is the Lord's day. I pray that these homosexuals find Jesus, and stop their sinful life, and choose the Lord's chicken sandwich.

What unironically pisses me off about CFA is that we only know what Jesus said about a few issues and one thing he was very clear about is that it's okay to eat chicken on a goddamn Sunday.

It's not okay to work on Sunday. God created the world in 6 days, and rested on the seventh. We must honor him and go to church this day. But because of capitalism, a lot of people are forced to work on Sunday, especially in the fast food industry, and they have to choose between God and money. This is why Chick-fill-a is brave, and it's a good thing what they are doing.

If they were smart they'd hire a all-Jew Sunday crew

(((They))) would never stoop to work in the fast food industry.

believing in an all mighty and loving God

not serving your chicken on Sunday because of God

They have to pick one at some point. Also the Sabbath Day is on Saturday not Sunday, but they’re too dumb to understand that.

you don't need to eat fast food on Sunday. You can cook yourself at home.

But I’m not resting by doing that am I? 🤔

Forcing employees to work the Sabbath day, condemning them to eternal damnation epic style 😎

Too bad the sabbath day is on Saturday

Finally. What took them so long to get supplies for their chicken?

It's good chicken. I would put it on equal ground with CFA's sandwich. Definitely better than KFC's.

Any Popeye's I've been to is either in the hood or run down and almost out of business.

Both restaurants are outrageously expensive for their offerings.

Aren't sandwiches at either place like $5? How broke are you?

My value propositions are whacky.

I can make 2-3 of those sandwiches at home for that.

Then you add in the fries and the drink and its like $9 - I can do tons of stuff at home cooking for $9

Let's say boneless skinless chicken breast is about $3/lb - its actually a bit under but $3 - let's assume generously those sandwiches have half a pound of chicken.

That's $1.50 for the meat per sandwich, everything else per sandwich rings in under $1

Plus I can make em better


ordering a drink


Anyone who seriously tries to claim Chick Fil A is better than popeye's is a coping rightcuck



I refuse to believe anyone genuinely prefers Popeye's to CFA, surely it's just virtue signalling. Óvò

The seasoning is okay, but it’s always so soggy.

u mean crunchy and delicious

It may vary by location tbh.

Not everyone wants tendies

Only tasteless mayos prefer cfa 😷

Popeye's is a million percent better than CFA whatchu smokin?

They can't handle this much truth 😤

Edit: downvotes really?