The 50 year old boomers who write Grating Thundersperg's social media posts for her out themselves by claiming that any zoomer anywhere still uses ForwardsFromGrandmabook

98  2019-10-28 by pol__invictus__risen


Why are rightoids so obsessed with this autist? If it wasn't for retards like OP I would have forgotten about her weeks ago

The thought of a nordic woman, which wh*te rightoids like OP put on a massive fucking pedestal, saying something they don’t like it sends them into an obsessive prolonged shitfit.

Keep in mind before I say anything, Greta is 16 and doing what she believes is right and probably doesn't deserve to be hated by anyone.

Now that I said that, Greta and her crusade embodies nearly every single thing that I hate:

  • Europeans
  • Anyone under the age of 18 with opinions
  • White women claiming hardship of any kind
  • Incredibly wealthy and privileged people pretending to slum it on million dollar catamarans to show off to their well-to-do friends
  • White Westerners unable to utter even the most tepid of criticism towards China and India
  • Anyone under the age of 25 with opinions

Until she calls out China I'm going to consider her to be another climate grifter.

I hate that I have to either throw my lot in with half retarded boomers who don't believe in climate change or the watermelon lunatics.

It really do be like that now.

That's why radical centrism exists.

The boomers are retarded and the schizoids claiming the Earth is going to be destroyed in two weeks are also retarded.

64% upvoted


This bit sucks

I can’t click that bc it looks pretty fake newsy, is Greta calling for zoomers to take back fb? 🤔

In his defense they just link her FB post basically saying she doesn't to be on FB anymore if they dont start deleting anything making fun of her ("hatespeech")

Lol well you can’t fault her for trying. She’s been getting dunked on hard lately

A teenager threatened to delete her Facebook account.

The media considered it to be breaking news.

She’s a source of propaganda now tbf. I’m sure reporters have been told to push her nonsense heavily

My buddy got a one week ban from FB for posting a greta meme. Dude is a hard liberal too. Kindof funny.

that nickname made me jej

How old does that 16 year old look to you?

The obvious FAS and autism are confounding factors but I'd say a really haggard 45?

Honestly, she looks younger than my 12 year old niece.

Why be honest all of a sudden?

A life of lying about Greta looking older than my 12 year old niece has taken its toll on my mental health. I can't keep up the charade any longer.

Rich authoritarian calls for an end to free speech

That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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That title is a mouthful OP. Good job!

trying to read pol's posts is like wading through sewage

I'd like to add to the record officially that wading through sewage is no different from wading through water except it tastes like vinegar if you get some splashed in your mouth.

this seems improbable but i'm not qualified to disagree

I'm qualified to make you agree.

I’m sorry, you’re going to have to send out a sample for me to taste.

Bad post


They are mostly about leftoids, so sure.

Can’t cuck the zuck, Greta

[Trigger warning: corpseface]