Remember the Mattress Girl who was a super huge feminist and hated men? She caved as soon as she started fucking Chad

390  2019-10-28 by A_Big_Teletubby


Black pill time: All women everywhere deep down want to be a tradwife. It's just that men are manbabies with their capeshit or are hateful NEETs posting on their gay drama forum.

You don't see tall handsome dudes with good jobs whine about the evil SJWs or feminazis.

You don't see tall handsome dudes with good jobs whine about the evil SJWs or feminazis.

Based and Übermenchpilled

It's like how people hold pseudo-intellectuals in higher contempt than garden variety retards. Most trad-slobs just aren't masculine enough to impress anyone and their mindset only makes it worse.

All womenpeople everywhere deep down want to be a (idealized) tradwife. The issue is that female Chads are rare, stay-at-home males are extremely socially disapproved of, and can't breastfeed.


Yeah but is that enough to breastfeed?

No, but if we just force-feed moids some Eglonyl it will be.

The last sentence is correct because they’re not losers. The rest is retarded incel (have sex btw) cope.

There was a time, specifically 1950s in the USA, when all women were tradwives. In the incredibly short time period where that was the case feminism was born, precisely because women hated it.

There was a time, specifically 1950s in the USA, when all women were tradwives.

Because all the LVMs got dabbed on 10 years prior.

ludwig von mises?

Low Value Moids

ludwig von mises

Low Value Moids

same thing tbh

Oh fuck. You may have cracked the 3rd Wave’s final solution to the beta question.

There was a time, specifically 1950s in the USA, when all women were tradwives. In the incredibly short time period where that was the case feminism was born, precisely because women hated it.

So, then why has female happiness at its highest in the 50s and pre and has only gone down since?

Just saying, really gets the noggin joggin.

All women back then were on the happy housewife booze from I Love Lucy

All women back then were on the happy housewife booze from I Love Lucy

Close. They were on amphetamines.

Mother's little helper is Valium technically, but amphetamines were also popular.

I don’t know. Maybe working like your husband while still having a housemaker role in family life is stressful. Maybe politicians and media creating new fake oppressions (wage gap, etc) is making them believe it. Maybe it’s something else.

If you’re saying they are less happy because of their newfound autonomy i would disagree. There is nothing stopping women from returning to the house wife role en masse. Yet we are not seeing anything like that occurring.

They’d have to admit they are wrong.

It's probably the same reasons why men are more miserable, modern life is pretty fucked up. In the war era people banded together to fight fascism, there was purpose. Now we're headed for obsolescence, and we get a 24/7 live feed on exactly how shitty things are thanks to the internet.

Ted was right, is what I'm saying.

There is nothing stopping women from returning to the house wife role en masse.

There absolutely is though. The culture has changed, as has the workforce. You can no longer support an entire family on a single person wage, and you cannot rely on your family hooking you up at 18 anymore.

Marriage has also gotten massively devalued to the point where a lot of people don't even consider it. "Hey please can I get legally entitled to half your stuff and sit home being a NEET while you work?". Casual sex is also a big thing in modern culture.

Like yeah, sure, wealthy women can become tradwifes, but you think the single girl working as a starbucks barista can? Moreso, would anyone (who would be intrested in a tradwife) even take her? Bonus points, if she did, do you think she'd be happier as a starbucks barista or as a tradwife?

Maybe it’s something else.

Literally everything but admiting you were wrong.

literally anything other than admitting you’re wrong

Neither you or I know much about the topic, You’ve given me no evidence to connect a drop in happiness with having more rights. Literally zero. There’s as much proof that it’s due to bad weather or some random shit.

Would rather blame the weather than admit you were wrong

foids irl

the point is that you have to prove it you mentally ill fag.

being a NEET is more enjoyable than being an office Karen

No shit





feminism was born because companies wanted double the workforce for the same price.

Think about it for a second. They get to spend all day not having to work a real job just doing housework and probably raising kids (which the husband will help do anyways). It’s like being a NEET except with way more upsides and way less downsides, plus you can still claim you are doing something productive at the end of the day.

Yeah, men, you hear that? This foid who went fucking nuts and carried around a mattress for two years than spent years holding "look at me naked!" art projects? That's all you, she totally would've been a tradwife, she was just waiting for the right 10/10 to commit to her 4/10 self. For shame, fellas. For shame.

Well, they want to have that option. Who wouldn't?

You don't see tall handsome dudes with good jobs whine about the evil SJWs or feminazis.

Cope harder; the article is literally about a tall handsome lawyer who whines about evil SJW feminazis and how leftoid women can't resist fucking him anyway.

Nice try, incel. It was he who super liked her on tinder in the first place. There was nothing in the article about him whining over SJWs

Also being progressive doesn't mean you become not a loser unfortunately. Plenty of leftoid manbabies to go around.

If I become a woman, will you date me?

The fact that this is a black pill for u says a lot 😕

I mean I’m at least open about it

Leaving Robby Soave’s book party, I walk Sulkowicz home through the June heat and she wants to know how I’ll describe her. “You’re a trickster,” I say, and she asks how I came to that word. I tell her that she seems to relate to the world on the level of mischief and play, rather than through any kind of ideology or strict moral code. I use the word “chaotic,” and she doesn’t object. A friend of hers wrote a book about tricksters, and she says she relates to it. Tricksters, he argued, can move unrestricted between any circumstances, because they’re always playing

This is great. The author calls her an amoral bandwagon bitch and her response is "yeah I'm just trolling so it's ok". This is great, she wants a superposition where it will always be ok for her to suddenly reverse course and you can't call her a hypocrite for doing so.

She's clearly going through the horseshoe (chapo to alt-right) pipeline. In five years she will be a kekistani YouTube conservathot talking about how she was brainwashed by le evil feminism. Just another dog brained foid who isn't honorable enough to become a political lesbian because she's addicted to dick and attention. The incels called this one perfectly 😂

The incels called this one perfectly

For all the sad words of tongue or pen and all that

Anyone with 2 braincells (heh) could se this one coming tbh.

The author calls her an amoral bandwagon bitch and her response is "yeah I'm just trolling so it's ok".

I never thought I would say this but is mattress girl, dare I say it, Based and /r/dramapilled?

It seems that way. Looks like she basically just saw an opportunity for content and ran with it.

dont blame her tbh

this is great

But really, imagine having an ideology in 2019.

“I don’t have TV, so all I can do is swipe left and right on men.” 

the absolute state of ivy league educated women

This was actually the most fucked up part of the article.

At that point you may as well just cut out the middleman and mainline heroin for your dopamine fix.

the 27 year old female coomer

whata vibe ~~~

I wonder how he feels about the sextape she recreated of her rape

Or of that "performance art" of her professor doing BDSM stuff in front of a crowd with her body

Or the fact that she detailed her desire for anal sex over very public texts

Could you be with a foid like this?

A good Christan is forgiving, if people regret their past mistakes, and change for the better, we should give them a chance.

Inshallah brother

No, muslim brown people bad

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Bruh moment


Gotta love that self-petard hoisting.

Lol where the fuck did this pasta come from?

He’s not dating her, he just fucked her for a bit. She’s staying “friends” because she can’t move on, but she’s not quality enough to nail him down

She's orbiting so that she can crash and burn into rival tradwives.

He subverted her.

choice quotes-

"During the summer of 2018, Sulkowicz tells me, she was single for the first time in years. Swiping through Tinder, a man she found “distasteful” super-liked her. “It smelled like Connecticut,” she says of his profile. “He was very blond, law school, cut jawline, trapezoidal body figure, tweed suit kind of vibe, but something inside of me made me swipe right, I don’t know.” They began messaging, and she found him witty. “He was actually way more fun to talk to than any other person I matched with.”

wow yeah wonder why u swiped right on the good jawline ripped dude

"Eventually, Sulkowicz stalked him on Twitter and realized that he was conservative — “like, very conservative.” At first, she was repulsed and considered breaking it off. But then she thought, “Wait, actually, that’s kind of fucked up because he’s the most interesting person I’ve come across, shouldn’t I be open to talking to him?” After dispelling her initial fear, she texted him that it would be “interesting (progressive? Powerful?) for two people who might be the antithesis of each other to go on a Tinder date.”"

"A couple weeks after our lunch, Sulkowicz brings me to a book party at a dark bar on Bleecker Street. Here, she introduces me to her friend from Tinder, who asks that I not use his real name for this article. (It might be a distraction at his white-shoe law firm and, besides, “Emma is inured to online hate, but I am not.”) When he asks if he can choose his own pseudonym, I tell him sure. He picks Chad. It’s a reference to the incel term for men who, due to serendipitous genetics, are attractive enough to have oodles of sex. All of us laugh, but Sulkowicz laughs loudest, her voice tinkling, bell-like, and leaping between octaves.


"Chad is a Chad, by the way, and he does “smell like Connecticut”: he has cornsilk hair, a shieldlike chest, and a jawline that an incel might show his surgeon for inspiration. But Chad is also a different kind of conservative than I imagined. Rather than a bowtie-sporting William F. Buckley type thumbing his nose at populism, he finds Reaganism laughably passé and aligns himself with Tucker Carlson’s anti-elite drive to regulate markets. He says that he would support some of Trump’s policy agenda, if only the president were competent enough to achieve it."

100% this man is a groyper

“As I became more and more feminist,” she recalls, “I think I got to a point where I was literally just straight up hating men. I just hated men, I wished all men would die.”

meme gender

Turns out she just wanted some WASP dick

who among us can blame her

Gay men would do anything for it

but something inside of me made me swipe right, I don’t know.

hmmmm must be that personality

This is a really long way of saying you don't fuck.

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On the contrary

Remember she legit put out an anal porno


I'm not finding that shit for you. But she put out this video she claimed was a reenactment of her "rape" where she had legit anal sex with a dude and it kindof turned into struggle pron. Kindof hot tbh

She did a s and m torture session with a 60 year old white male master at an art gallery a few years ago

The fact a fellow Chad managed to convert a raging feminist with his chad dick makes me proud. It’s a certain power we Chads have.

Makes sense; the whole mattress thing was because she got pumped and dumped.

Did the guy end up getting a settlement out of the school? I know he sued them for not stopping her nonsense

Yep I think they settled with him twice

So did she.

Having found the art world humorless, narrow-minded, and grotesquely competitive,


Sulkowicz says she stopped making art about a year ago. She quit a fellowship at a museum, ceased teaching art classes, and was essentially unemployed for a time, drawing income from occasional speaking gigs, mostly about campus sexual assault.

Fucking millenials. "essentially unemployed" in NYC means her parents were giving her money.

I’ve always been upset,” she admits, “that there are people out there who assume that I’m a bad or mean person without ever having met me.

Local millenial learns actions have consequences. More at 11

Truly the worst generation (so far).

Wtf no pic of her going bareback with a maga hat lame

“I don’t have TV, so all I can do is swipe left and right on men.”

I've heard many excuses for sluttying it up but this one takes the cake and can have it, too.

Yo this website is clean as fuck design wise.

true but this bitch author would not stop writing holy shit 3400 words is a LOT of typing to say "mattress girl got BLEACHED"


I knew there was a better one, ty

both of them are pseudo intellectuals that desperately want to sound smarter than they actually are.

She discovered she likes a firm mattress over a soft one.

They're just objectively better. They last longer and they're better for your back.

That’s been my experience too.

So I'm not reading a wall of text over some retard, but I'm not surprised this bitch is fucking Looney toons.

Remember the Mattress Girl

why would anyone bother

Is she now Based?

Not only that, but I hear she is also "red-pilled"

She got bleached by a chad. God damn I’m so proud

Any man that would fuck that can't be a Chad.

It's antithetical

She looks like the dude that cuts my grass lmao

That’s where you’re wrong. To be a Chad means you need to repeatedly honing your art, your craft. This means socializing with women and also bedding them. Is she a 4? Sure, but don’t view it as you’re fucking a 4. You’re getting better at sex for when you bang that 9 you’re planning for. That’s a problem with men with high expectations, you keep looking for the perfect woman and hey, maybe you finally, finally get some with her. And you just fucking suck in bed, you lose that chance forever. Me? I’m with 4’s, 5’s, whatever but whenever I’m with an 8 or a 9 I get to be with them more than just once.

So she's become a libertarian, only it gets confusing in the bedroom when she screams "Violate my NAP!" in ecstasy but the safe word is "I consent."

I actually get so blackpilled when I realize most of you fags are depressed losers who most likely gravitated here because no one likes them and not because they actually have intellectual backing for their


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Who would’ve guessed that someone might have a different opinion of sex and men when they’re having it with someone they want to instead of being raped? Not me, my IQ isn’t high enough

She was never raped lmpo (laughing my pussy off)

conservative and libertarian intellectuals, reading Jordan Peterson and articles from the National Review

Word for today is oxymoron. I just stopped reading the article at that point, I don't even know why I wasted my time on that garbage up until then.

last month, she started a full-time, four-year master’s program in traditional Chinese medicine. There, she’ll learn skills from acupuncture to herbalism, which have been her “personal healing modality” for years. Sulkowicz has parried assumptions that this is performance art, too.

She is so sentient, of course T is performance art and not medicine

master's program in traditional Chinese medicine

The irony that she's trying to get a "degree" for made up things lmao

Can I get a degree in traditional european medicine so I can dress as a plague doctor, put leeches on people, and perform crude surgeries without washing my hands?

This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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People act like this is some sort of revelation. I've been with waaayyyyy more liberal gussy than conservative.

I mean really there were only two directions she could go.

No white collar job wants to hire a walking lawsuit. She's in her late twenties so all her friends are settling down and/or having babies and if she can't do either she looks like a loser. She's aging out of the art-prostitute industry, and all her friends with husbands don't think her "anyone want to see me naked" joke career is funny anymore.

It was either continue on her current trajectory to wine aunt or suck the same dick every night until a ring pops out.

and it is a white dude.


This chick was getting tied and whipped at an art exhibit by a 60 year old white male 4 years ago.

I’m 27 now and I had to be like, wait I need to make some decisions for myself and decide what kind of adult I want to be.”

An adult alone surrounded by cats or happy In a loving chads arms. Hmmm...

Extreme right wing positions such as: centrist.
