pol invictus gets mad part 92

21  2019-10-28 by Slump_o


I fully support and endorse this thread about me and, in general, the practice of making threads about me.

You don’t seem that mad even, in the linked post 🤔

he replied to everyone who responded with the same autistic response. I’m thinking he’s mad

Says the mayo sperg linking it and downboating comments that question ur own autism

that’s not my downvote. Is there anything gayer than bitching about le downdoots?

see ill make it -1

Peak Cope

bro d-did you downdoot me


haha cope 😂😂😂😂😂

the absolute state

Hey. Knock it off you two. Downboating is violence.

You are proof mayos were a mistake

That's stupid because all mayos are proof mayos were a mistake

same autistic response

I will have you know that I added an additional GOMMIES MAD each time, therefore making not the same response, and in fact a different response, which is thusly not autistic or, for that matter, spergy in any way whatsoever at all, THANK YOU AND GOOD DAY SIR.

retard repeats the same line over and over


Your making us look bad if you can’t logically debate commies you probably should just stick to soldiering. Next time ping me. I heartcommiemommy is sub 60 iq

next time ping

Holy shit dude you didn't have to be hurtful

Markets are the source of all wealth, the centrists assert. And it really is the source -- next to nature, which supplies it with the materials that it converts into wealth. But it is even infinitely more than this. It is the prime basic condition for all human existence, and this to such an extent that, in a sense, we have to say that markets created man himself.

-Neoliberal Friedrich Engles 😍😍😍

You just inadvertently explained the basis of all wealth and nature’s creation of it. GOLD

The very cannibalism of the over-regulation will convince the nations that there is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the restricted markets and the bloody birth throes of the new economies can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is liberal reforms.

Thats hitlers second book on shrinking markets and the global capitalism’s race to zero as each nation competes for the lowest wage for their workforce enslaving us all to the jew bank owned multinational companies


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


  1. pol invictus gets mad part 92 - archive.org, archive.today

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Our leftoids are so easily butthurt, its like watching rightoids defend trump but in every thread.