Rich white woman furious at sight of open carry ammosexual

150  2019-10-28 by unrulyfarmhand


Look at that busted ass setup. He'd get domed before he even unbuckled it lol, pure larping

lmao it's a fucking taurus judge. he likely picked up his whole kit and outfit at walmart.

I'd be surprised if he could even hold it upright for 30 seconds before his arms giving out on him. Not to mention if he fires that he is definitely going to be knocked on his ass.


That wrist is the point of failure.

I would say he is probably retarded but I still want him to carry that gun everywhere.

And I agree, dude has probably shot that thing less than a dozen times.

My policy when encountering one of these jagoffs is to drop whatever I’m looking at, run out of the store screaming “Gun” and call the police. Then call the store manager and explain why I don’t feel safe shopping there any more.

White women must be stopped

Every time we see this we all need to dial 911 and say there’s a white male with a gun and we’re scared he’s going to shoot up the place.

Fragile femininity.

In this case, are they wrong though?

Something something despite

Trying to create imminent lawless action for literally no reason.


It is your civic duty to constipate your local emergency services, ensuring that people in any kind of danger get to go to heaven.

Lmao she never did that and she never will

How dare you? Karen will see your manager AND post on /r/wokekids. Checkmark.

I'm pretty sure white women are holograms that exist merely to entertain us and subvert our society created by aliens.

It's worse than this, sadly. They EXIST. Have PUSSY. Post on the world's worst app, Twitter. Unironically worse than Boomers (besides the ones who are also Boomers).

More and more proof female Mayoids were a mistake.

We’re gonna have to start over and do a military coupe default all the debts and rewrite all the latest women and immigration amendments. No women voting anymore sorry

Not sorry

Chad move tbh

More like manlet confirmed. Does he not have fucking legs?

Cargo shorts, walmart holster. Idk man, he def doesn’t give a fuck but I don’t see a chad here.

The best kind of drama is the kind where you can laugh at both people involved.

This is why troid vs terf drama is the peak of all drama. I can't wait for their tiny civil war tbh

Shits happening as we speak. Look up the "LGB Alliance" (yes they dropped the T).

How dare they

Lol the gun is bigger than his body, what a manlet

Those shorts are almost full length pants 🤭😂🤣

What’s the middle ground of I like guns and not seeing tacticools in the wild?

Always concealed carry. I respect open carriers for triggering cool wine aunts but you don’t want that attention.

Fuck off fudd. NO STEP

Real g’s move in silence

Anything even remotely short of "I like guns" makes you a raging pussy.


Zoom in on the ring lmao

No way 🤣

I bet an entire room of his hovel is dedicated to pewter dragons and flea market knives

Can’t really see it. Punisher?

Either a cringy skull or a cringy SS-totenkopf skull/ehrenring.

Looks like a simple skull, I think his keychain has one as well. Also just noticed the knife pouch on his holster 🤦🏼‍♂️

The thing on the keychain looks like a 'spartan helmet' like in the movie 300 etc.

There's probably a molon labe somewhere

What a Chad

What's with all the socialists in the replies talking about how the first amendment is bad, I thought commies supported it as how else are you going to fight a revolution?

the first amendment is bad

idk my english is shit i shouldve said theyre just antigun

Wrong amendment.

Imagine expecting non-ameritards to give a fuck about your sacred texts lmao. 😂🤣

If after so many spergouts from both sides of the "muh guns" argument you still can't remember it's the second amendment, then you're simply culturally illiterate and trying to use feigned apathy to mask the fact.

Alternatively: C O P E

Commies and Champaign Socialists are very different;

One wants a populace armed against opressors, the other does not believe lower classes can be trusted with weaponry

One believes in handing power to the labour class, the other in concentrating it amongst the politicians / academics

One wishes to restrict immigration to allow for an extensive welfare network, the other wishes for easy importation of workers to drive down labour costs (also accidentally competing with the existing labour class)

Also Nationalism is a crucial element for communism, but them twitter tankies start hyperventilating on hearing the word

The CPUSA literally defended Obama trying to restrict the 2A further and supported Hillary. Leftism is dead in the U.S. and I laugh at its corpse.

Guns are bad and they're going to be confiscated by community action volunteers because so are cops.

I would be too around some gun autist



How can you even lift a gun that’s half your height

I legit have seen shit like this and it boggles my mind. Some cholo got arrested at a Carls Jr near my campus and I shit you not the Sheriff Deputy Arresting him had to be 5’2 max in boots, dudes department issued AR was down past his fucking knees and I couldn’t stop laughing at it, the Poor bastard looked dead inside.

Imagine being arrested by a manlet. Even worse, imagine resisting and being subdued by one.

I hope he twirls his revolver around while making autistic cat noises

It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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Snapshots of Seppostan

Strapping this to your hip with such a janky setup is silly

But everyone should fire a .357 - its a rollercoaster

I bet if everyone fired a few guns we could have rational discussions about them.

concealed carry

carries a Dirty Harry gun with a shifty holster

This is why the 2nd amendment was a mistake.

To be fair, the gun is a very phallic object.

You cant blame the foid for confusing terror with arousal when confronted by such a monstrous dong


Post hog


Show us your hog, faggot. Fuckin 35 comments into a thread and you’re the first to mention his dick.
