Kayne West; Democrats are making black people kill their children

285  2019-10-29 by Kaiser-romulus


Damn is Kanye gonna run for president with our boy Tariq?

Kanye-Ivanka 2024


God I wish. I’d never ask for anything ever again.

You support rape and want to force our daughters to give birth to incel rape seeds because they can’t breed

You want to put guns to 12 year old girls heads and force them to be raped and force them to give birth to incel rape seed to breed more rapists and incels because your pro rape and pro incel

George Soros has paid me $25 million to create this hurricane with a wooden spoon, glitter, and a bottle of Prosecco. I can do this because I’m a woman, and I can bleed each month without dying. He is sending me the money via magical unicorn. Gay Rainbow unicorn, of course...


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You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Kanye is going to cause the next Southern Strategy at this point.

  1. Abortion clinics are more common near poor neighborhoods, which tend to have a disproportionately non-white population. Eugenics is alive and well.

  2. One of Plan B's effects is that it can prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the lining of the uterus. For those who believe that life begins at conception, this is effectively an abortion.

There is nothing inaccurate about either of his statements.

also why are they saying he mixed the two up when he specifically mentioned both of them

  1. You are a retard

Nothing but truth bombs

Real zebra hours up in here!

There is nothing inaccurate about either of his statements.

Except the eugenics part. And the conclusions he's too pussy to outright say.

If you had to guess when the last time the American government performed nonconsensual sterilizations on Native American women, how long ago do you think that was?

This afternoon.

Google says the '80s, in my lifetime. Indian Health Services (IHS) still performs the procedure for free. Pressuring native women to have it done is routine.

I have slept with two Native women that I can recall off the top of my head, and both of them had been sterilized.

Alive and well.

lol imagine being pressured into giving up your only intrinsic value as a person

I have slept with two Native women that I can recall off the top of my head, and both of them had been sterilized.

They are the heros we need

Bless their heart

GILF Hunter

What she lacked in youth, she made up for in effort

I slept with two native women

What was the combined weight of these two women? Had to have be over 600lbs. I’ve seen the women who live on the Rez, did diabetes and fent come with the package too?

One of them was fairly lithe

Fairly light for a native is like 200lbs.

Light enough that I could pick her up and throw her around pretty easy


Found Onitan's alt

fewer FAS babies.

And the conclusions he's too pussy to outright say.

Only whites should be allowed to have abortions.

I’m a planned parenthood donator personally for these reasons

Are there more of you? Like is there a farm of lolcows? I haven’t seen you around just wondering where they found you. You seem very pationate and very into butt stuff. Also keep quiet about the secrets your basically one of us now in an alt light sub

Why are you so retarded

I don't think his abortion was successful.

There are more of us out there, but we are very few and far apart. I think its a natural selection thing. If everyone was like me, society would be absolute chaos

Yeah I took that dating test and I was the same personality as hitler and obama .02% of personalities but still I think we have our place. Maybe it’s some future book we will write that a father will give his son 100 years from now and that son will lead the world to a new United States one where we aren’t cucked by feminists

>abortion clinics are more common near poor neighborhoods

  1. So?

  2. Not always 100% correct https://www.guttmacher.org/article/2014/06/claim-most-abortion-clinics-are-located-black-or-hispanic-neighborhoods-false

  3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/2019/07/10/abortion-access-is-more-difficult-women-poverty/?arc404=true

  4. They choose to get abortions. They just happen to have a planned parenthood close by - thank god - so they have a choice.

Damn you made bullet points of your own.

Also if you're rich, you don't get an abortion at the local planned Parenthood lmao. Your rich daughter just takes a "vacation" in Mexico or wherever.

Rich people never stopped getting abortions just cause it was legal.

If you are poor you can get mifepristone/misoprostol and DIY relatively safely.

More kids aborted means less fatherless poors which is bad for drama. Also choosing not to stud out the sped you sired is eugenics you goddam nazi.

  1. SpaceMonkey is a retard
  2. you're also a retard

and blacks chose to participate in the tuskegee syphilis experiment

a choice doesn't change it

Abortion is a eugenics plot by jews and that's a good thing. They got the filthy mayos by making white women unattractive with feminism and turning a whole generation of white men into cucks. They got blacks by aborting a whole generation and forcing them to off each other by red lining and not letting them leave the ghettos. How will they beat the taco truck fleet, the kabab crew the curry country and the middle kingdom madmen?

One of Plan B's effects is that it can prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the lining of the uterus. For those who believe that life begins at conception, this is effectively an abortion.

Thats because Hardcore Christians are retarded

So bets on how long until Kim has him committed?

Kim is probably his publicist.

I bet she told him to say it.

Yeezy only does this around album releases.

Man, Kanye really needs to hurry up take the mayocide pill already.

Haha he's more likely to go full michael jackson at this point. This is GOP propaganda.

Thanks to Bon Iver he loves us, cope harder, mud blood.

As a side note, democrats totally use black people for votes in many places. If you believe in the idea of systemic racism than places like California are probably the most racist of all.

Rent controls, zoning laws, etc. are all methods used to artificially inflate housing prices for the benifit of home owners, and they disproportionately effect black people. This absolutely slaughters any chance at economic mobility and destroys quality of life for those in poverty. They're also most common in progressive cities, like LA, San Francisco, and New York.

Basically, if you're black than you should move to Texas.

Woke and tardpilled.

Basically, if you're black than you should move to Texas.

Nice try

I mean if I were black I'd take the 1 in 10 million chance of being hate-crime'd over paying $2300 a month for a studio apartment

Just don't come to Dallas. They are also doing all kinds of stuff in the name of "quity."

Suburbs may be better, but all of the good suburbs I know got tons of Asians and Indians. So pick your poison.

Yeah, in Portland we're very strict about not allowing that terrible wicked suburban sprawl. So there's a huge area just east of Lake Oswego (mayo suburb where the ruling class live) that's left as forest. Meanwhile the government advertises black neighborhoods as being a great place for "artists" 😉. This isn't an attempt to ethnically cleanse black neighborhoods in favor of kids from SoCal who couldn't make it down there but have lots of money from their parents in a place with a higher cost of living and salaries. 😉 We just want "artists" here and that is totally not code for white failures with rich parents. 😉😉😉 Keep Portland Weird!!!

Lol there aren't blakc people in Portland you idiot.

That's because it worked

I heard that Lake Oswego in the 80s was called "Lake No-Negroes" for just the reasons you describe.

Last time I voted (lol), I lived in a black neighborhood. The people organizing the voting were telling everyone how to vote for hilldawg. Like in and out press nuber 2 folks. Election night had a palpable cope in the air.

We accept those fleeing oppression from the mayos

Kanye's right... but it's a good thing

Black people didn’t invent jive or Jazz I read a neo nazi book about it once

Republicans want to pardon your daughters rapist (because rape doesn't happen if it's not a minority) then force her at him point to give birth to the rape seed





I love it when Street shitting gang rapists hate on Muslims for not allowing their daughters to be sold for half the price of Hindus

Waterfart you never should of waged war against me. My wrath will never end your gonna need to start over with a new account or pay to ban me. Its like Tyson fighting an infant

I've totally heard Democrats talk about how abortions will help reduce the number of children born in 🏀🏀🏀poverty🏀🏀🏀.

Wonder if Kanye is on to something here.

I mean he’s objectively not wrong. It’s just a matter of whether you see what he is saying as a good thing or bad.

Your like a toddler attempting to explain why the sky is blue

This is why you don't overdose on fentanyl.

Rightoids: goddamn minorities!

Leftoids: abortion is a good thing, actually *wink wink*

Rightoids: goddamn libtards!

The new conservative way of thinking, and what kanye is trying to explain in his own schitzo way, draws a lot from Thomas Sowell's explanations for the decline of blacks since the early 20th century. He has a lot of data that supports his claims, but people dismiss him as an Uncle Tom for one reason or another.

His argument is basically that, economically speaking, blacks were integrating into society quite well by the 1920s, but the introduction of welfare reversed that progress and destroyed black communities and families. The data shows this quite well (I dont know the exact numbers) but things like home ownership, both parents in household, business ownership, all nosedived after the 1940s. This isn't taking any social oppression by the south into factor, it's purely from an economic perspective. Sowell acknowledges things like Jim crow, segregation, and other institutional oppressions were absolutely absurd from a constitutional standpoint and should've been dealt with years prior.

So, conservatives are asking the question "if welfare obviously had the opposite intended effect, why arent we exploring other avenues to help black communities?" While liberals are saying "the welfare solution was never as comprehensive as needed and must be expanded."

Kanye is crazy, so the way he says things tends to be free-associative and scattered, but there is a larger academic perspective behind his rhetoric.

Shut up nerd



have sex


Take meds, schitzo

Those are real people in my head, you monster!

Might have to blast them out; keep yourself safe!

Thomas Sowell

I guess I will stop reading here.


Says the guy with the username RIPGeorgeHarrison.

Imagine being a Beatlecel in the year of our Lord 2019.

Right? Wouldn’t it be awful if I got a custom flair for it? That would be thing that is embarrassing, having a custom George Harrison flair in 2019 for /r/drama. Man, I would hate it if that happened to me.

Seriously though, based and krishnapilled

Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas both have fascinating takes on liberalism's effects on blacks.

The data shows this quite well (I dont know the exact numbers) but things like home ownership, both parents in household, business ownership, all nosedived after the 1940s.

Hmmm... welfare caused redlining?

Conservatives should be in favor of abortions because it could reduce the violent crime rates by up to 50%

eugenics have been a tool of progressives since the '20s and dems count on the black vote to win elections. the conclusion here is dems are fucking retards.

Poor people breed more so they have to abort more is the kinda low effort take i expect from him tbh

Marcus Garvey haha imagine a world where he gets to not be assasinated.

West claimed without evidence that

Oh now you want evidence vice?!

It's cool that they didn't do their job and refute him if he was wrong, which is probably because they did do their job and do the research but it supported him so they simply didn't publish it.

[he] seemed to confuse Plan B, or emergency contraception that prevents pregnancy, with abortions that end an existing pregnancy.

No he didn't you sad excuse for a journalist. He clearly mentioned it as two distinct things.

Imagine listening to Kanye West complain that people are brainwashed into spending their money on sinful things instead of buying real estate and starting a family, and then you decide to spin that into whatever the fuck this article is.

or just imagine listening to Kanye West say literally anything

he's clearly a retarded schizo

schizo yes. as for retarded, continue coping with the fact that a negro gentleman is clearly vastly more intelligent than you

is this the "he's very articulate" for white kanye fans

He's their guy now so they have to defend him like a simp lmao

This is the foid at Vice telling us how to feel about Kanye West.

Responsible for such hits as "Donald Trump Reportedly Drinks 12 Diet Cokes Every Day", "Donald Trump Has a Button on His Desk for the Sole Purpose of Ordering Coca-Cola", and "White House Kitchen Defiled With Potato Chips"

Journalists are almost as worthless as jannies

Donald Trump Has a Button on His Desk for the Sole Purpose of Ordering Coca-Cola

This is amazing.

Shit I want a button like that.

Conflating Plan B with abortion is an anti-abortion talking point that medical groups are continuously working to debunk.

It literally is though lol

this thread is a nice reminder that the general /r/drama poster is, essentially, a mouth-breathing retard

this has invigorated my belief that we as a species should be aborting more people than ever

West claimed without evidence that Democrats are forcing Black people to abort their children and seemed to confuse Plan B with abortion.

"Journalists" always fall for the troll.

Kanye lives in the overlap between stupid and incredibly based.