Chief Witch of Toronto defends Free Speech with Mixed Reactions

49  2019-10-29 by newcomer_ts


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. Chief Witch of Toronto defends Free... -,

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Do people that say trans women ARE women understand what that implies?


It implies that trans women are women.

what is a woman?

Scientists are still working on this.

The Quantum Gender hypothesis is an unsolved problem

It's definitely not traditional feminine gender roles since that's an oppressive social construct. Plus, that would mean tomboys are men. It's not biology either because someone with a dick and XY chromosomes can be a woman. Basically, there's no such thing as women. Women can't hurt us anymore. Women are cancelled.

The idea of women was put into our heads by God to test our worthiness of entering His Kingdom. Only those pure enough to resist their satanic allure may enter inshallah.

An even more miserable little pile of secrets, of course.

Who was the speaker that was so controversial? Hitler himself? Anyone else is a yawn from me.

Canada's head TERF

What you would ban Hitler? Why do you hate free speech?

I wouldn’t ban him just that’s the only person that could be controversial

I would unironically not ban Hitler from speaking at a public library tbh

Man I can't even bother looking further into this then just one click. What did she do/say?

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Couldn't tell ya sorry

Basically some terf author got banned on Twitter for calling a transgender person he. That author is doing some speaking tours or whatever and one is at the Toronto library. Some groups and some of the authors doing the event insisted the head librarian uninvite the terf author. She refused. Now the head librarian is considered a hero by rightoids and a nazi by leftoids.


Umm sweaty, drag queens aren't trannies

Wow that’s so very fair, ban drag queen story tellers in like one library in San Fransisco that you guys froth at the mouth over, but invite bigoted supporters of mass murder like Megan Murphy. Why not invite over the new leader of ISIS while your at it for extra free speech points? Or Hitler?


Just give it away to America already please. I don't care if it's the centre of our economy (cope harder Alberta-cels), I can't stand that migraine of a city anymore.

No you guys keep it. We have to deal with all of California and New York City, and I can assure you those are much worse than whatever you leaves can dream up.

These are small parts of the country oppressed by the massive inland wastes who loathe them and blame all their problems on them even though they have and always have controlled everything and the inland wastes monopolize all the funding and resources for themselves. They are furious at the success of the coasts despite all the effort that’s been put into the inland wastes and barbarian hinterlands full of gap toothed neanderthals and barely human inbred animals.

Imagine living in America and actually thinking this. Do you live under a rock?

Imagine not recognizing watermark's trolling

I recognize it. It's just breached that point wheres it's not funny or even satire, but someone being retarded.

You burgers ruined Tim Hortons (arguably the worst America has done to Canada). You deserve Toronto and so much worse.

Without Toronto Canada would just be a bunch of tundra.

That's how I like it.

I want you guys to keep this shit up. Once Alberta has enough of your shit it's gonna leave, realize it can't make it on its own and then join the US. Quabec will follow and eventually Canada just collapses and is folded into the American empire.

I'm so fucking stoked. If Mexico ever fixes their cartel problem (fat chance, lmao) than they're next.

Your profile says you care about all women's rights but I guess you don't include trans women in that?

No, I don't

Based and TERFpilled.

She’s a bigot and she in fact talks about nothing other than trans women. To call her a feminist when she never discuses anything besides hate speech towards a small minority of women is ridiculous. She’s a self hating woman and a misogynist and a worthless animal.

Your trolling is weak and boring. Do better.

Wow you rented out a grand space to a reactionary bigot

In WWII she would’ve invited over Hitler and been a huge hero

Why not invite over the new leader of ISIS for more free speech points, or Modi from India once he’s done killing his own citizens in his latest pogrom

Not everybody's crazy abut your girl-dick, even those who like dick in the 1st place.

Wait, so are librarians actually based? Not based as in agree with me, just based as in they won't fuck with me if I read shit they don't like and would be willing to civilly discuss our differences?

That's the most interesting thing here - even fucking Toronto mayor chastised her for her attitude.

And honestly, it's the last person I'd expect to stick for free speech but here we are..

Idk, at my woke ass College they had a "banned-books" week and they included some right-wing shit as well as other things that piss off leftoids (like Salman Rushdie). It was still mostly lefty shit, but I think that has to do with the fact that the right-wing has been more ban-happy than the left up until the last 7 or 8 years.

Either way, it's cool to know some of these librarians aren't so bad. I kind of want to fuck one now.