r/all has a struggle sesh over "orange man bad reeeeee" and "china man bad reeeeee" all from a 6 second gif

18  2019-10-29 by Corporal-Hicks


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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. r/all has a struggle sesh over "ora... - archive.org, archive.today

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Maybe I'm the odd one out on this, but is anyone else uncomfortable with children dressed up as soldiers? I know we're supposed to be all "nations pride" about it, but these folks go through an experience and trauma most cannot understand, and that we shouldn't wish on anyone. It seems very.. distasteful?

Alright kids, no dressing up as anyone who could ever have a traumatic experience ever.

We need to make a mandatory month long break from the internet so these people actually go outside.

I don’t know if you’re aware but flowers are terrible for the environment. Supermarket flowers are made with slave labor, treated with very harmful chemicals and stored in energy wasting warehouses.

So if you want to dress up your kid as a flower you might as well dress them as a polar bear murderer.

(>Now if dress your kid up as a wildflower and you bury their feet in the ground and make them stay in one place all Halloween you’ll be okay. Also make sure to let them get stung by bees).

Can't go as any superhero because they definitely have PTSD. Can't go as an animal because your child will become a furry. Can't wear any sort of job uniform because all adults turn to alcohol to cope with existential dread. The list goes on.

im outside all the time, but i find myself being dragged back into the retardation

Such is life

Unfortunately certain people had to go and make the internet relevant to the real world. This should be widely acknowledged as a terrible mistake.

That was surprisingly wholesome. Its weird seeing Trump do something without antagonizing 80% of the western hemisphere, even weirder to see reddit upvote it

Guess reddits hateboner for that chinese dude is bigger than the one for Trump