Modern r/Drama mod starter pack

357  2019-10-29 by Arnold_Schrodinger


It should not be a crime to immigrate from a poor, Muslim, or black nation to a wealthy, Christian, or white one

Change my mind

They can watermark! They have to go through a process, but it IS possible! You did it!! All that arguing online really has paid off!

Why do you want all the hardworking future doctors and scientists to be snatched by White Capitalist Imperialists? The only way to defeat the West is to starve it of human capital and the best way to do that is from the inside, by stoking anti-immigrant sentiments up to and including making immigration a literal unconditional crime.

That's me on the top-right corner. 😎

No mutts pls thx

The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. Modern r/Drama mod starter pack -,

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where's the tranny?

Still in there because these are metaphorosauruses, not meant as literal depictions, except for lawlz

Can’t wait for the Cdace post on the metaphorosaurus.

There’s a tranny deep down inside all of us

Only if we're lucky 😍

I don’t agree with or even understand your post but it’s funny so I’m going to adopt it 100% and repeat it

Me on the bottom right

woah nice


Make that a sub for bussy pics

What's bussy? Is that cats shaped like buses?

which one is the troid?

What's a troid? Is that a transgender robot?

Foid is a derogatory word incels coined to refer to women. Moid refers to men and troid refers to trannies


jokes on you, I was only pretending to be retarded

W*jak posters aren’t even human

You ever finish a sentence with a period?

periods are for women

4chin nonsense

4chel doesn't have Snally

MFW I don't know whether I'm bottom-right or centre-left.

Someone called me a bottom once and I still don't know what that means.

I don't understand this therefore it is absolute fucking shit any anyone that disagrees with me is then an idiot.

Me in the center