Chris-chan coming in with the hot take🔥. The California fires are happening to clear the way for a dimensional merge with god forsaken sonic-pokemon hybrids.

84  2019-10-29 by Llamayoda


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Chris-chan coming in with the hot t... -,

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Are the Idea Guys still in contact with him? Is it another group of trolls? Is he now making this stuff up himself? I can't keep up.

In all honesty, no one really knows. His brain has reached peak delusion with the combo of foid chemicals and internet sewage that have been pumped into it.

Idea Guys leader was doxxed so no, but there was a guy recently who basically stated he was going to visit Chris to have sex with them.

The Sockness thing is easier for me to understand. Some guy wants to ass rape Chris. Simple enough. The Dimensional Merge bullshit is both complicated and not interesting so it's hard for me to understand.

Should probably remove doxx

Gotham City is in Connecticut canonically

I don’t capeshit but I thought it was supposed to be nyc and metropolis is chicago

It actually depends on the canon

There is no "Official" location for gotham city but the closest canon to the comics is probably young justice as it's an official comic spin off directly related to comic book DC writers. Other influences and live action scene sources include NYC, Chicago, British Columbia, Vancouver, LA, etc.

Depending on the canon, there's a 100% chance that you're a capeshit nerd. 🤭🤭🤭

Got him

The dimensional merge saga fucking sucks. My headcanon for Chris ends at MAGfest and the cheering crowd would be how my biopic ends.

Yeah definitely not the best plotline. Once his mom dies it gets much better though.

Homeless prostitute saga will be one to look out for. :v

Nah, Chris is self aware enough to know sex work isn't an option. It's been attempted twice (once presenting as male and again presenting as female) and quietly and promptly dropped.

How is this guy still alive

Tugboat and patreon.

I'd never donate to the patreon myself because I'm not a cuck, but Chris is legit a better content creator than anyone else on there, I ain't mad.

Tugboat wtf

Zoomers ruined CWC, piss off.

Tugboat is government money. Disability, social security, hush payments from that one `congressman you tug off every third Tuesday of the month behind the gamestop

Didn't his Etsy and Patreon get shut down/bleed patrons because he repeatedly failed to deliver?

Umm sweaty, she's actually a girl

Strange account.

That's weird, I don't remember taking psilocybin, then again that is psilocybin's signature move

I'd kill myself if that were the timeline we're living in, tbh

Chris-Chan is absolutely correct minus the Pokemon and hedgehogs.