Foids BTFO. Life isn’t fair, ladies.

61  2019-10-29 by missmurrr


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


  1. Foids BTFO. Life isn’t fair, ladies... -,

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get snappy to the top

Lets face it, nobody cared about women's sports before this except coomers.

I don't wan't to get my rocks of to troids.

The Glorious Victories of Trans Athletes Are Shaking Up Sports


Damn lol - I came to point out to this.

If only it were ironic, that would be awesome shitpost but, alas...

God, I love this timeline.

Yet somehow life needs to be fair when dudes troon out and want to participate in women's sports.

I am sure glad people are queering sex and gender. "tough shit, sugar tits" is sure something women have never heard from men before. It's new and novel.

I am sure glad people are queering sex and gender. "tough shit, sugar tits" is sure something women have never heard from men before. It's new and novel.

tfw men are better than women at feminist activism and are successfully taking it over 😏

Nah, dude, it's just the same old shit. If they were good at the shit feminism does they wouldn't have been sitting around wondering where their March was after the women's march. they do ok when they stick to stuff moids are good at: colonizing spaces, bothering women, etc.

I looked at this comments several times in the past few hours and I don't want to hurt your feelings, but for real, this is the highest level of COPE ever registered outside of /r/inceltears. Yeah, I see how you're taking feminist activism back, sugartits.

I looked at this comment several times in the past few hours


I don't want to hurt your feelings

literally who are you, even.

Yeah, I see how you're taking feminist activism back

I don't think I'm taking anything back, lol. I'm dicking around on Reddit in between watching videos of Russian woodworkers making tacky, over the top furniture. The only person who has paid any attention to anything I've said today is you, and you think I'm a moron, so....... yeah, I'm accomplishing zero. Exactly how I want to spend my time on drama.


Me moid, you sugartits, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, hit me with something new.

I once made replacement supports for my grill from wood, as is Russian tradition. It even worked perfectly for a while, until I let a bunch of retards that I love to death but by God they are inept at any real world shit, use the grill and they used it wrong and burned out the tops of those supports

That said, nothing compares to your cope over the fact that troons rule feminism now.

lol, troons rule the left. Some person told me the left was focusing on trans issues and I asked whether they could find some time in their busy schedules to address class issues. That's when I got a fucking pomo/critical theory essay about how they were queering society. Yeah, society is so queered Budweiser is flying trans flags. That's why I'm bitching about it now. I'm still triggered/astonished. Who wants all of feminism and trans activism fighting each other like Godzilla and Mothra? Only instead of trampling Tokyo, it would be the wheezing carcass of what remains of the left.

People can disagree with me because there's always a chance I'm being stupid or wrong. Also, if everyone was like me, the Golden Gate Bridge would only be halfway finished, for example.

You do sound like a cool wine aunt, for reals. I guess we could discuss pokemen or something.

wine beer aunt

Eh, foids were the main ones pushing the trans-inclusion stuff so it's not like this is necessarily a bad thing. It's what they wanted.

Nah, troids are dudes acting like dudes. Foids have been the ones pointing out some of the crazier stuff. If it wasn't for Gallus Mag, no one would have known about Yaniv's tampon fetish.

Foids dunked on by website of FACTS and SCIENCE lmao

Why can’t they just concede the easily explainable fact that; moids are better at everything including being foids.

"Life isn't fair, so let's not bother doing anything about unfairness" is a terrible, terrible take. The current approach is blatantly sexist and will ruin many women's sports, just as female athletes are starting to gain the equality they have long deserved.

Like OK sweaty. Well we’re doing something for trans rights in letting them compete perfectly fairly with their equally aligned fellow wahmen. This is erasure of trans validness and it MAKES ME SICK 🤮

I want to see some dudes who couldn't make it in the NBA identify as female and play in the wnba. It would be hilarious and could possibly make it watchable

Absolutely would watch a bunch of manlets with tits and wigs shoot hoops.

you missed your chance watching a 52 year old compete on women’s community college team,

SHIT, thats so fuckin smart. I should do that. Beats IM sports

What kind of probability does that convert to? Well, it’s tricky to say, because z-score tables usually cut out at around a score of 3.4. However, according to wikipedia, a z-score of 5 means that only one in two million people would be expected to be over this range.


It never even began for stats101cels.

brb gonna blow my brains out

Never began for pnormcels

1- go watch the movie Juwanna Mann

2- lmao wnba players make like 20k, they make more money playing in russian leagues, where im sure this shit wouldn't fly, its 100% not worth it for an almost world class male athlete

I don't think you need to be close to a world class athlete to dominate foids in sportsball, I know the big colleges have their players scrimmage against equipment managers

I’m referring to people who can’t cut in in the nba.

That is virtually the entire human population.

They train against male high school teams as well.

Melo needs a job

I too love early 2000s black comedies!

The Overton Window will shift soon.

My stomach is still settling from the last shift when being a liberal became a bad thing.

These people always complain about things not being fair but now unfairness is oKay cause a tranny showed up.

Anyone know why wokies will side with trannies over literally everything

Transfolk beat cisfoids in the oppression scale and trans women are women, so naturally this is a good thing for progress. uvu



Transgender is just the trendy new group for wokies to pretend to care about. Back in 2015 it was Muslims, then the MeToo thing happened and it was women, now it's transgenders.

They'll move onto something else once they get bored.

What else is left lol

Pedo shit? Bestiality shit? Trans-disabled shit? Necrophiliac shit? Idk.

Holy shit I think they got ratio’d into deleting.

Where are the FtM athletes? 🤔🤔🤔

I say fuck it, let the trannies play. At least the quality of women's sports is gonna get better.

This is so based, despacito play "Hoes mad"