Gay black MAGA Griftr mad as hell that Israel and Buttsex were disrespected at Charlie Kirk’s Q&A

57  2019-10-30 by unrulyfarmhand


This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Gay black MAGA Griftr mad as hell t... -,

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What happened?

The goyim got uppity, they did.

I demand a refund for the time I spent googling 'groyper'

That guy was the best, also check google trends for dancin israelis, he won the night

Lol I bet right winger meme guys celebrate the 11th by watching the video every year

Alt righters basically follow charlie kirk around and ask him about the time israel blue up our ship or how they control the media and stuff.

I can think of plenty of ways to spin the USS Liberty thing. Seething and calling it a conspiracy theory is NOT a good choice in 2019, that route worked better a few years ago.

If they just admitted fault I wouldn’t talk about it anymore. But they literally pay people to search for mentions of it and harass them for discussing it. Also there are intercepted communications showing they knew what they were doing as early as the first strike and continued the attack anyway.

Even if you’re not conservative, poking holes in charlies braindead rainbow maga movement should be fun for everyone

Ambushed by shitposters irl, apparently it was so bad that TPUSA deleted the stream.

Frog twitter users crashed charlie kirks event to ask subversive questions and make him look like a shill

Another totally not mad “conservative”.

Ugh those leftist clawback replies are nauseating

His whole statement is structured like some leftist shit.

Fat rice-cel who called himself a chad is also seething.

The notorious dog-killer and swatter himself. He’s been sucking establishment conservative dick to stay relevant.

Such a gross pig already and then he had to be a shill

There is a 100% chance this guy is going to run for president in the near future

Imagine being a 25 year old neocon and not even being part of the tribe. How much funding do you think he gets from people with precious metals in their last last name

Nate Silver?

Lmao all the TPUSA people are about freedom of ideas but they throw a fit when people ask unapproved questions about the Jews