ACLU gets abortion bans blocked. Comments are bussy blasted by rightoids.

8  2019-10-30 by FearOfBees


I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. ACLU gets abortion bans blocked. Co... -,

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Possibly sending it to the supreme court to weigh in on RvW?

Not well versed enough to know how this all works. RBG presumably isn't dead yet it probably wouldn't happen.

Push comes to shove I doubt they overturn RvW. Supreme court doesn’t really like to overturn its own decisions because that chips away at its authority or something. INB4 someone makes fun of me for seriousposting.

It could go to the supreme court, I know either Alabama or Georgia created their ban with the intent that it would be in such a violation of RvW that it would be likely to be struck down so they could then argue it in the supreme court.

But the court at any time could just say 'nah we aren't touching this one'. And I dunno if there is anyone on the supreme court at the moment that is hell-bent on seeing a case related to RvW.

Just declining to hear it would bring out the most delicious frothing wave of rightoid seethe. All the crazy ones would come out of the woodwork. We'd have the right-wing equivalent of chapo regulars boil up out of the hills and get plastered all over the news and go berserk on boomerbook. It might even be enough to alienate most of the rest of the country.

It'd be interesting because the GOP would lose their primary wedge issue if the conservative SC refuses to touch it.

Based ACLU 👏

Not even related to the drama, but this was pleasingly dystopian