Foid gets upset because her husband don't want her gussy no more. Writes a PHD thesis on why that is.

61  2019-10-30 by 2Manadeal2btw


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  1. Foid gets upset because her husband... -,

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Lol. This is someone troll /r/NoFap trying to get them to relapse with erotic text. Not drama

Seems pretty genuine to me.

Also, you don't need to post actual drama on drama you tard.

They have to seem genuine. Its the nature of the game.

This was written by a high-level troll. Its a wall of text for a good reason. Just skimming the first few lines and last few lines won't tip anyone off, but once you get deep into the wall of text in the middle it gets into erotic descriptions of blowjobs.

Definitely a troll, not a casual one.

Well, the replies are genuine in the least.

The replies are always real

Dude. There are so many red flags in that. This woman is not okay.

my feet went numb, couldn’t stop crying I bragged to people that he had quit what if I wanted to get my needs met? Would have to get it into unethical or unsafe situations there is no chase giving his masculinity to phantom whores this is weak and unmanly makes me feel not safe, muh child

Holy fucking shit lady. She is loading up to completely leave this guy for fapping, her whole script is ready. If my gf walked in on me herking the gherkin she would probably just tell me I’m gross and to lock the door next time and forget it.

she sounds like a soccer mom Karen tbqh

No wonder he has to jerk off to get away from this bitch

She's just saying what their all thinking

TSG has a gf

😞 I guess now you and I can never be together.

Could form a horrifying polycule still.

O-okay 😞

my feet went numb


But she’s a 130-lb hottie and emphasizes that in every fucking comment!

Or she could simply peg him while he is watching porn

well then he can jerk off to pictures of me

Think of the shit storm that would be unleashed if she found out her husband was jacking it to pictures of her. And I'm sure someone this repulsed at porn would allow a picture to be taken of herself where she looks sexy enough to jerk it to.

Why didn’t she just join in with the action. She said she went looking for a cuddle. She’s a crazy cat.

I wish you join in on my action 😞

Just use your imagination like the rest of us and stop being so lazy.


Or better yet, have a little sexual frustration and work to make an opportunity happen with me the next day.


Even during marriage and in a committed (lol) relationship, foids still believe they are the gatekeepers of sex. Imagine the shitstorm and neckbeard pointing if this was reversed

haha, yeah, I ban her from touching herself unless I want her to, so she’s horny enough to fuck me

Sounds like she’s getting ready to take the based polypill and this is her go-to cope

redditors trying to act like marriage counselors is like adding gas to a fire to try and put it out.

also, I skimmed parts of her spergout but shes posting in nofap. I'm assuming shes nofapping and her husband cant do anything with her so hes taken to jacking it

This shit was so retarded to read idiot wife gets complacent and expect her husband to go through extreme effort to fuck her what a meme gender

He told me I should just trust him on this and stop worrying. Sounds harmless and innocent enough when put that way, but my gut reaction is to say, “well then he can jerk off to pictures of me.”

There's little more pathetic than jerking off to your current partner

I feel like a piece of functional furniture. I cook, I clean, I make his coffee, and if I happen to be around I give him blow jobs.

That's the ideal marriage

There's little more pathetic than jerking off to your current partner

I'm so domesticated RN I jack it to leaving my dishes in the sink for more than an hour.

there is no problem that women cannot exacerbate with a gerjillion words

Is there any chance she ISN'T fat?