mayos mad x1948 ft. Sinudeity

7  2019-10-30 by WhiteTearsForFears


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This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. mayos mad x1948 ft. Sinudeity -,

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I think you got that date wrong but I'm just a proud silly white girl.

I didn't get the date wrong. It's when the NP was elected.

Ugh disgusting commie trash

I'm not really a commie, just moderate left.

That much I can agree with. Would be great if the ANC stopped robbing tax revenue to fund their KFC parties.

I want the anc to implode like the da did. One can only dream...

Intersectionality is the future comrade. Don’t be that white Marxist.

Soon he would ask why the working class is so right leaning regarding cultural issues in the most clueless manner.