I feel like there isn't a lot of Israel drama posted here even though it always involves people getting really fucking mad

64  2019-10-30 by slugulon


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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. I feel like there isn't a lot of Is... - archive.org, archive.today

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Ah, Israel... My arch nemesis.


More like Is not real amirite?!


Inshallah 🕋☪️🕌

You need to be very careful. There are JIDF sleepers here (and some say Mossad), both in this subreddit and reddit at-large.

Isreal literally mantains an app to help people defend them on the internet.

Damn, where can I download it?

Look up ACT (dot) IL

good fucking lord

I defend Israel because they're keeping Jerusalem running until the inevitable Cathbol takeover.

kep chipping away at em' rommy

he's our Baldwin IV

coffee is for CLOSERS

Literally me

Whoa cool it with the anti-semitism

I am always over the top supportive of israel, and that seems to anger far more people than any other opinion I have. It is great.

Even reasonable support of Israel infuriates people. Like saying that maybe Palestinians aren’t sweet innocent angels and if they were in Israel’s position would have killed all the Jews 10 times over.

Or that Isreal is a semi functional state surrounded by shitholes and oil sheikhdoms, that always gets retards big mad

very good very nice

just dm over the banking and routing numbers and we'll start depositing your good goy points

What's the conversion rate between good goy points and dollars? I might wanna get in on this.

it's not dickens so you don't get paid by the dollar; you get paid by the post

as for how much per post? you'd have to ask diggity_md

^ like that one right there

Simply question the narrative pisses them immensely. Like they can never answer simple questions like when is deadly force allowed to be used.

when is deadly force allowed to be used.

when the little girl gets withing 250 yards of the fence, duh

It is a good fence can't risk it being destroyed. So 500 yards is better.

better safe that sorry tbh

It's more fun to suggest treating them like two kids with downs arguing over who gets to eat the last orange crayon and proposing a zero state solution.

Try "Paternity tests after birth should be mandatory", you'll get more people mad at you than if you said that Holocaust was a hologram.

They are already illegal in France, so anytime I am around euros I mention that and enjoy the cope

Most euros don't consider French to be human.

It’s because (((they))) always shit it down.



use 14 year olds as soldiers

"Why are they killing our 14 year olds?"

