daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jankees cope

1  2019-10-30 by GeauxHouston22


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While I enjoy Yankee hate, Red Sux fans are even more obnoxious. My former brother in law, now former sister in law is a sox fan and they all will be judged based off of their obnoxiousness.

Is this why baseball popularity is plummeting?

no baseball popularity is plummeting because zoomers are too spastic to do anything that requires them to sit still for 15 consecutive seconds

Are you asking if referee incompetence is a reason why baseball's popularity is plummeting? Because that happens across all major sports.

I'm going back to pretending that people stopped playing baseball 20 years ago. The Dinosaurs can sort this out. 🦖🦖

Garbage boreball post. Worst sport ever next to cricket.

When the last boomer dies we will finally be free of this accursed sleeping aid.