Notepad++ project names new release the "Free Uyghur" edition, issues page is promptly swamped by the 50 Cent Army's volunteer brigade.

213  2019-10-30 by zsfh


At least it isn't Hong Kong, then I'd be mad

When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. Notepad++ project names new release... -,

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I respect Hitler but I don't idolize him. He is partly to blame for the loss of the Reich and the destruction of Fascism's public image. He done fucked up, but he is still one of the greats.


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This uighur shit is such bs

Alphabet agencies come at me

Your social credit score has increased by 25 points.

you need way more than that to earn 25 points

you earn credits primarily for snitching, not for shilling on the internet (that's taken for granted)

It's both not happening and you can't travel to urumqi for any reason

It's pretty similar to American Indian Policy during the 19th century: wipe out their existing culture through population control and indoctrination targeted at their children. I pointed this out to a Chinese guy on Reddit once and he absolutely lost his shit.

It's super based but a war crime I guess

Despite being 1% of the Chinese population, Uighurs commit 50% of the terrorism.

Some amount of terrorism is incidental to the ethnic clenasing process.

Is there a country more easily butthurt than the People's Republic?


Did somebody say "Polish death camps"???????


Burgers get red in the face from ~just walking~ any insults to Freedomland, but insulting America is pretty widespread and no one is DDOSing anyone or screaming for their gaym to be removed from Steam.

Or disappearing dissenters in the dead of night.

Not even close.

Not even close.


Americans have been the victims of shitposting for decades. They also love shitting on their own govt.

And on streets now

Shitting on your government is a demonstration of freedom.

-2 points

Lol Amerimutts seething.





K Ö P E more, sweaty. 😘

Okay Kraut

Okay Currycel

You have hurt the feelings of the Chinese people.

Turks are a good contender.

Serbs are worse.


+1989 social credit for this post

If I could raise my credit score with pro Trump internet posts I'd do it every day

Obvious cope

Was about to post this lol

You are a lesser C++ programmer. Who cares about you.

holy shit based.

Cultural revolution is objectively the best stuff human beings have had ever happened.

The Great Famine is a lie.

Maoist 😷.

BTW I live in the US


Lmao why’s this nigger on a computer if he thinks the cultural revolution was so great. That’s nerd shit; he should be out in the rice paddies.

Based and pol-pot-pilled

This comment literally makes no sense

Communism is not about not using technology, what kind of retarded shit is that

You're right. Communism is all about agendaposting online, as you clearly demonstrate daily.

The cultural revolution was about killing all the smart people retard.

Sorry, you're retarded.

We need a cultural revolution in the United States.

Any one with college education that still support cultural revolution is the ultimate bootlicker.

Gottem. PRC shills get absolutely obliterated.

All those Chinese moonrune issues followed by Tianenmen Square massacre gore in the replies

Holy fuck, this is amazing.

How can get this merged into the Linux kernel now?

Naw. Stick it in Windows XP and you've just knocked out half of China's userbase.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Oh god the title made my head hurt.

"Notepad++ project" calls the next release the "Free Uyghur" edition, complaint page is promptly swamped by the 50 Cent Army's volunteer brigade.

There that's better for my brain

complaint page

It's called an issues page. It doesn't just track end-user complaints, rather generally things which need looking into are kept there.

I just mean the wording made me reread it like 10x.

This is gold

bringing the HK circlejerk into threads about Uyghurs


Non ironically when I heard about this, I upgraded immediately.

Notepad++ is fantastic. The fact that the authors stir shit? Even better.

Lmao. I may actually not ignore N++'s request to update next time.