Survivor of our greatest ally writes to Charlie Kirk, disproving his claim that "it didn't happen but it should have"

53  2019-10-31 by 2Manadeal2btw


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Survivor of our greatest ally write... -,

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It is not time to lay down nor look down.

It is time to rise.

Battlefield, they put women in it.

Resident Evil, they destroyed it.

Mass Effect, they ruined it.

When is enough, ENOUGH?

Big media has entered the fold. They are here.

They are using advanced strategies to censor us.

This is not one battle.

This is a war.

On all of us.

We all have to work together. Share strategies. Come up with new ones.

Forget which game is better.

We are fighting for our right to boob animation.

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We have to all have an open discussion about this.

It starts right here. Right now.

They want to fck with us. SO BE IT.

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I am TIRED of it.

Tired of the GAMES and MANIPULATION.

They want WAR.

Then let us GIVE THEM WAR.


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This just proves how entrenched antisemitism is in American culture. There was an entire ship where everyone onboard was a hardcore Nazi.

It was a different time.

Man. That guys blog has like zero comments, and his YouTube channel has a few hundred views. I knew about all of this from a high school teacher, but I get the feeling most Burgers have no idea. This could potentially get really messy for politician-cels.

Honestly I would love for this to go somewhere. I doubt it will but then again, Charlie Kirk is the biggest name to get blackpilled on the chosen people. (Which is kinda sad to say in of itself.)

Either way, this is good drama and I really hope it cascades, but I don't think it will.

Charlie Kirk knows the history but he just hates the troops. 😢

It's never going anywhere because it's peddled by the people who are very stupid or maybe have some specific brain damage that makes them unable to recognize kettle logic, so they can't help themselves and say all of the shit.

"Israeli wanted to prevent US from collecting valuable intelligence and tried to sink USS Liberty using unmarked planes" is somewhat believable. When you throw in the part where instead of finishing the job they showed up with a couple of clearly marked boats and tried to help, and then the part where the White House apparently was on their side, strictly as per the OP mind you, then even an average Trump voter is going to get a dim suspicion that associating with this story will be embarrassing.

Since the public school system has swallowed the (((common core))) blue pill, education is controlled by the (((CEOs))) of Pearson education and the like. Years ago prior to common core’s massive forced rollout I worked for an education non profit that wrote common core research products for Pearson and almost all them emphasized committee designed topics to include and exclude on a whim and (((controversial history))) was a priority of discussion because it could cause controversy that could lead to lost contracts.




Is what that blog said true? Why did the Israelis attack an American ship unprovoked?

It was an intelligence ship and our greatest ally didn't want us garnering certain intelligence.

Attacking an intelligence ship is a spectacularly bad move.

It is 100% proven that they attacked the ship. Why they attacked the ship is speculation.

It could have been that they intended it as a false flag, or perhaps because the USS Liberty was indeed an intelligence gathering ship and the Israelis did not want any American interference in the war it was currently having with Egypt at the time. Or why not both? A false flag to draw America into a war with Egypt.

All this being said, the wikipedia page does a spectacular job at covering all this up, as it writes much from the Israeli side of things. Whereas if you look the testimonial accounts of EVERY survivor, they all state that:
-the flag was clearly visible

-they tried multiple times to open communications with the Israelis, prior and during the incident.

-afterwards, the event was hushed up to not cause diplomatic issues.

Why come this matters? I live in America not the isrEl ocean

well, its an attack on American citizens. And America gives billions to Israel every year. It is a conflict of interest.

Oh yeah but that’s because the government cares more about Israel than American citizens, they teach us that in school

I don't buy that the Israelis had any secrets to keep from the US that were worth attacking a ship over. Doing a false flag to blame on Egypt is the kind of thing that they've done before, but it would be taking a hell of a risk of getting caught. Also, I don't see the US getting involved being something the Israelis would want at that point when they already knew they had won a decisive victory over the Egyptians.

I think the real secret that the Israelis want to cover up is that they aren't actually supersoldiers who use their master race genes to dominate their enemies. In fact they've demonstrated a hell of a lot of incompetence. Accidentally bombing the wrong ship because the staff back at headquarters was too disorganized to keep track of what's going on would be pretty typical for the IDF.

As you said, it could've happened on purpose or not.

Also, I don't see the US getting involved being something the Israelis would want at that point when they already knew they had won a decisive victory over the Egyptians.

I believe this was prior to them taking on Syria in the Golan heights. Which was considered quite a formidable obstacle at the time.