Commies Mad x2400000000000

114  2019-10-31 by The_Reason_Pete_Wins


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I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. Commies Mad x2400000000000 -,

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Can I be a capitalist pig and still hate landlords?

No you need to love them you commie

No, we love landlords here. If you are over 30 and still renting, you need to accept that this is because you made poor career decisions, and it's not your landlord's fault. It you're under 30, your opinions don't matter yet, but there's still probably time to get your act together. Either way, don't forget to tip your landlord at least 20%, and a monthly thank you note doesn't hurt either.

29 and I own my own sheet. Won't rent any land but if you need some heavy equipment I'll be ya landlord.

If you are over 30 and still renting, you need to accept that this is because you made poor career decisions, and it's not your landlord's fault. If you're under 30, your opinions don't matter yet, but there's still probably time to get your act together.

this but unironically

I was actually being sincere, but yeah.

Eh, not everyone settles down at 30. I'm getting closer to there and thinking about buying a place but renting is actually a good financial decision if you think the likely hood of you changing cities in less than 3-5 years is significant.

You can hate whoever you want. You're an adult.... Probably.

You're not an adult until you own your own property

Does owning a person count?


And if you live in an hoa you should just cope with the tenants anyway.

I miss property requirements for suffrage

Brown Shirts of Amerikkka is now fully justified as a historical necessity and violence seems - logically speaking - mandatory.

When are they not

The donation link is a joke, but the mob doesn’t care.

When did leftists become un-funny? They used to own that shit. Just like the Trump dog tweet, they cant laugh at fucking anything.

The right have somehow put themselves into the position of being counter-culture despite holding the majority of political office.

It used to be the left that were hip and edgy and not afraid to offend some good ol' christian sensibilities, but now the pearl-clutching moral panic seems to have flipped and it's "cool" to trigger the libs and say racist things online to get an amusing reaction.

The right have somehow put themselves into the position of being counter-culture despite holding the majority of political office.

It used to be the left that were hip and edgy and not afraid to offend some good ol' christian sensibilities, but the pearl-clutching and moral panic seems to have flipped and it's now more "cool" to rebel against one's peers by triggering the libs. :v

we're back in 2002. trolling is funny again

Trolling is a legitimate form of artistic expression and should be protected as such, change my mind.

Trolling is an legitimate form of artistic expression and should be protected as such, change my mind.

When did leftists become un-funny?

When they got overtaken by tranny commies.

This, but truly, deeply, and sincerely, unironically.

I'd say the switch started around 2008 and has been growing since then.

Leftists were never funny, comedy is a liberal thing. Liberals used to look left to society, now they look right, that's all that's changed.

Libs do not look right, seething about Trump isn't right wing

Liberals support individualism and capitalism so they can't be left, the progressives and stupidpol left tends to agree that libs get the bullet too.

That doesn't make them right wing in the same group as alt right peeps or Shapiro level retards for that matter. You can think different people are fucking trash for different reasons.

Supporting and sucking off corporations is not individualism, it is cuckoldry.

No one is talking about the wings you retard. Liberalism is pretty fully within the Overton window. The window has shifted, libs used to be more to the left of it and they're now more to the right.

Nigga what? On what planet is being a liberal "right wing America" in the Overton window?

You have a literal retard understanding if what the word liberal means.

Really? Do me a favor and show me all the leftists in power in America since liberals are the right wing of the Overton window in USA. The USA with GOP holding most of the government power federally and at state level lol.

Most of the people in power are nominally liberal but not entirely liberal. No large segment of the united states government is widely collectivist and absolutely no large segment is anti-capitalist.

In that case why would liberals be considered right wing in Overton window?

Do you know what wings are? I never said wing.

Ok, how are they in the right "half" of Overton window?

They believe in individualism and capitalism. Liberalism is an idea that came out if the enlightenment.

Explain to me how it was "on the left in America" and then changed "to the right in America" exactly. It is ok to say, yeah I was wrong. Mentioning enlightment had literally nothing to do with present day and your claims of a paradigm shift of Overton window in America. America has only become more right wing with passing decades since Reagan.

America has only become more right wing with passing decades since Reagan.

Oh sorry, I did not realize you were actually a retard.

Bill Clinton came to power by shifting to the right versus his party.

You have yet to explain anything about what you are saying.

How are liberals on the right of Overton window when leftists have zero power in USA? How does an entire half of this theoretical Overton window you imagine exist in the USA with zero power in the USA?

When the atheists turned to social justice

rich person supports fiscally conservative measures

A commies's love of "woke" and "cool" celebs is pathetic and will come back to bite them in the ass. Based Hannibal

Has anyone else noticed that these "broke commies seethe about landlords" shitstorms always seem to come at the end of the month? Pay your rent, p*ors. 😂

Day of the eviction notice when???

Soon, inshallah

5 business days after a missed payment.

So, looking like 8 am, 08NOV19

That date format makes me wonder which branch you served in.

let's see if you can guess

Crayon eater

nah, we were the gay branch

I should've known you were one of the good ones. What was your rate?

lol imagine enlisting

I had the good fortune to go to the Academy and take a commission.

I'm so glad I did ROTC. All my friends in the academies hate it, and I just to do normal college, and then commission as an officer at the end. It's great. I barely even have to take extra classes.

I'm so glad I did ROTC. All my friends in the academies hate it

Can confirm. Your civvie scum nonsense bs college OTS lil bootyhole is gonna be sore when it gets to the REAL fleet

see how SEETHING I am?

Oh I'm doing chairforce, but imagine thinking the navy is even remotely close to being difficult.

listen here zoomie. the only person you get to talk shit to is coast guard and their puddle pirate asses.

Lol at least the airforce doesn't routinely ruin their billion dollar toys, and we aren't staffed by a mostly incompetent officer corps.

I did 7 years as enlisted then took a direct commission when I was in the reserves towards the EDO but I'm leaving the navy totally here pretty soon.

Reminder that all landlords and cops are heroes and have never done anything wrong ever. In fact, they both should be paid much more for the valuable services they provide their communities.

This but unironically and also the people who complain about them are whining pissbabies.

Well there's shitty cops and shitty landlords but I much prefer the flexibility that renting provides, even if it means the occasional bad landlord.

That devolved so quickly lol

Bring back only landowners can vote

I can't imagine anything more cucked than paying someone else's mortgage. Just move out of the city fam 😂👊

The real drama here is Hannibal namesearching himself and DMing people talking shit about him

Also I’m a Bernie supporter and I literally don’t care about Hannibal not liking him. IDK why people still get so butthurt that rich Hollywood celebs don’t support a socialist who wants to raise taxes on them tbh. Like yeah I can see how you feel bad because one of your favorite actor/comedians doesn’t support the guy you’re rooting for but you should have expected this by now 🤷‍♂️

What’s up with Hannibal Buress and memes about him being a landlord?

Who wants to bet that this guy knows exactly what these memes are about and just wanted to bait reddit?