I found cdace's club

20  2019-10-31 by ManBearFridge


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. I found cdace's club - archive.org, archive.today

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Volcel if you wouldnt




Oh wow I'm quite flattered but I'll have to decline 😮. My heart belongs to MzCherryBlossom

This was George Washington’s vision for America. I am glad we have finally achieved it at last.

Tfw you will never bread your dinosaur waifu to create Dino-human Abominations as an insult against God. 😔

Lol sucks to be you I got mine prepared

Dispatches from Beyond the Plasma Fold Volume XXI is for dinosaurian agents of level 4 or greater. Those responsible for this leak shall be sought out by Utahraptor enforcers 🦖🦖

Hey I needed money to make it through school