The wokest sub on Reddit rejects Country Club application

23  2019-10-31 by newcomer_ts


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I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


  1. The wokest sub on Reddit rejects Co... -,

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Mods acted furiously to suppress - lmao

why do people need to own handguns

Said the white foid living in a gated community who has no knowledge of crime(deport foids). You know what's always been funny to me? I've never seen a gun owner advocating for more gun control. Like literally 100% of the people posting this have never even seen a gun in real life. It is my god given right to advocate for the mayocide and my gun protects that right.

Toronto isn't like the backwater disease and crime ridden hell holes on earth you Ameritoids call cities. Unless you're some sort of gangster or a bastard cop you don't need a gun here.

And no shit gun owners wouldn't advocate for gun control. Nice observation there moron, did you ever notice how car owners don't like gas taxes? Damn really makes you think. Fucking idiot

Sounds like cope and seethe sitting in your moms basement. Why would a disabled frail woman need a gun lol. Imagine thinking everyone can just run away like you can as a guy. Excuse me while I go rape more since no women have guns and men are like 3x stronger without working out.

The linked drama is from the Toronto sub, idiot. Like I said, this isn't the United States of Retardery so we don't have frail old ladies getting raped by hordes of fent-addicted mayoids, so you don't need a gun in this city.

You do, they are just native women from the sticks (ie all of Canada) that your government doesn’t keep track of.

But because you don’t need personal protection in your ivory tower means everyone else doesn’t also I guess 🤷‍♂️

Rightoids only seem to care about Natives when they're pushing one of their retarded pet causes.

Lol, I guess nowadays opposing the eroding of my freedoms and speaking up for under represented populations makes me a rightoid. Goddamn leafs are regarded.

Who are you trying to fool here bro? "Speaking up for underrepresented populations" give me a fucking break LMAO

Fucking paternalistic rightoids like you are the worst, at least the KKK types are up front about their bullshit

Holy shit the projection 🤣🤣🤣 go outside nerd

You aren’t wrong. In all honesty I don’t feel comfortable with leafs being allowed to own guns. I’m not sure I’ve ever met a leaf I’d be comfortable with operating a fire arm tbh

Unless you're some sort of gangster or a bastard cop you don't need a gun here.

Idk. Last time I was down in Kensington Market some Jamaicans were harassing me, and I'd like to have been able to brandish a sidearm at them to shoo them away, but I ended up having to buy their jerk chicken

Give a mayo a little bit of spice and he cries out in pain. Absolutely pathetic

I'm Mexican you jackass

Then you should be able to handle a little bit of Jamaican spice mon.

Also do you know any good Mexican places in downtown? I've been trying to find some but no luck so far.

Nah, I'm from South Texas, I've just been to the six a few times

but keep looking. mexicans are everywhere. you'll find something legit eventually

and the jerk was actually very good

but keep looking. mexicans are everywhere. you'll find something legit eventually

bigly true, I've had bomb birria in rural southwest Minnesota

When are you going back?

They moved the lines on us, not the other way around. My mom's side fought my dad's side at the Battle of the Alamo. TBH Texit when?

I support this and would readily emigrate. Not an ammosexual but with all those Halliburton and PepsiCo dollars it would be like a western UAE.

Amigo, ven a mi casa para que puedo aplastar tu bussy.

Tu padre fue en mi cama anoche maricon

excuse me when you're using the verb "to be" in terms of being in a physical location, you'd use estar and not ser.

Amerimuttxican detected.

sounds like something someone told you in a classroom once

Nah, my parents hired a nanny to take care of us when they went on trips to Aspen. She taught us that kid of stuff.

Toronto isn't like the backwater disease and crime ridden hell holes

yikes. Let's unpack this racism you're spewing

You know what's always been funny to me? I've never seen a gun owner advocating for more gun control.

I wonder how many mouthbreathing retards thought this was insightful lmao

It was never meant to be profound insightful. However someone once did a study and basically everyone given a gun as a gift believes they shouldn't have it taken away, eventually turning them right. I've been trying to find that study for a while but there's so many links related to guns it's probably buried in the net somewhere. Knowing this I convinced my friend who was a zoomer and thought communism was the path to utopia to turn away from it. I even offered to buy him a gun on the cheaper side. Now he sees people online trying to take that from him and then channels that freedom rage. Say what you want, believe what you want.

someone once did a study

love when someone does a study

someone did a study and they said ur gay and I fucked ur mom

it's also the worst sub lol

Every other city in Canada would agree

Literally no one outside Toronto likes Toronto. Only Montreal has worse drivers