[Still developing hot as shit drama] SRDines rise up against private property and landlords. Upper middle class slacktivists threaten to eat the rich.

172  2019-10-31 by Turgnibil


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The problem is that 1) you possess a sheep mentality and are unable to think or exercise logic of your own free will, and in fact are not even capable of thought outside the societal norms you've been indoctrinated with, 2) science has not yet caught up with the subtle levels of energy of which the occult and other metaphysical phenomenon occur, and 3) even if you were capable of free thought and science were able to measure these phenomenon, you are not intelligent enough to comprehend any of it.

I mean, I could try explaining it to you. But is it worth my time? You are already of the mindset that jerking off to tranny porn is completely harmless so long as the men have makeup on. It seems their agenda has done permanent damage to your mind and you are beyond reach.


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A rich kid slams landlords for not giving free housing to the poor he really doesn't give a shit about.


Killing of the landlords will make affordable housing magically appear


One zoomer named ErinAshe seems to be the biggest sperg of them all. All because his momma and poppa stopped giving him money so now he can't afford his own weedhouse.

So, he's trying to say a right cannot create a duty to someone else.

The right to a jury of peers and a lawyer both disagree.

Imagine being mentally retarded

If everyone sitting on a house for labor-free money dropped dead tomorrow the only thing that would change is that I finally get to afford a house.

The radical centrist position is that we should deport 10-20 million illegal immigrants in order to massively depress housing prices so Millennials can afford homes.

If everyone sitting on a house for labor-free money dropped dead tomorrow the only thing that would change is that I finally get to afford a house.

Friendly reminder that communists literally just want to kill everyone more productive than them and steal all their stuff.

*notices bulge in free market housing prices* uWu what's this?

Why that's my rock hard priced-in regulation and compliance costs.

Friendly reminder that any attempts to actually do so would result in them being massacred by the militarized pigs they spend so much time kvetching about.

they also want them to be the only ones with guns

But I thought they were antifa supersoldiers? As Redneck Revolt tells us, the lion's share of firearm owners are leftists.

Not in the cities where cops are ordered to stand down while antifa chimps out with impunity.

Don't you have an underage cousin you could be fucking instead of diarrheaing all over this sub?

Periodic reminder that niggers are all inbred because none of them know who their fathers are.

What do landlords produce? 🤔

Whatever allowed them to buy their property in the first place, you dimwitted fucking retard.

So being a landlord produces no value. I'm glad to see you're so redpilled.

Always good to be reminded that communists aren't just stupid, they're aggressively and determinedly stupid.

I guess being a sociopath who needs to rationalize wanting to kill the productive people and steal all their stuff will do that.

I think that landlords can be rehabilitated into a civilised society peacefully

Pretty sure they're too busy working harder than you ever will, but keep imagining you're better than them because you want to steal everything they achieved through effort and give it away to niggers and mexicans.

I want to give it to trannies and cripples as well.

I was with you until that part, I can't support the crips at all

I've insulted pol's disgusting, unkempt, distended, worthless excuse of a body plenty of times and he's never got so angry as he did when I politely suggested he was being cucked by landlords.

I hate to see such self loathing.


How do landlords produce housing?

they build housing, or they buy housing from people who build housing.

No they don't.

they buy housing from people who build housing

Love how buying things is production. Funko Pop collectors got a boner everywhere.

I think you're pretending to be retarded.

Everyone who disagrees with me is LARPing as someone who isn't morbidly obese.

You don't just need builders to build a house, you need someone to pay the builders. Builders need to eat.

You don't just need builders to build a house, you need someone to pay the builders.


Communism doesn't work

It’s my shit, bitch. Now pour my coffee

Incentive to build homes. Also great drama.

Value is hard to assign, specially for labor, effort can't be effectively measured. The free market is the natural flow of things.

Sardine Wokies will be first against the wall if their Utopia was reached. They don't know it but anyone living in a house in the US is automatically bourgeois

The funniest part is that he is admitting that he won't do anything to change.

That's...not how economics work.

You wanna deport the legal ones too? Tough but fair.


Only the legal ones

I like this guy's idea. It seems a bit too good for a SRDine, so it's probably a dramanaut alt afraid of breaking internet law.

He's half right. We need to kill both the poor and the rich. The poor because they don't produce value, and the rich because they use up too much resources per person.

Based and middleclasspilled

labor-free money

lmao imagine actually saying this out loud and thinking youre smart

dude get a maintenance free house ez

Why are the types of people who think maintaining houses is "labor free" simultaneously complain about being too depressed to clean their room?

It takes absolutely no labor to earn enough money to buy a rental house. I don't know why everyone doesnt have one with this new found discovery.

Why hasn't Jeff Bezos bought up every property. Easy money.

We should abolish my savings account because my interest is labor free money.

That kind of argument won't work with SRDines because you can't collect more NEETbux once you've got a few thousand dollars in the bank.

So how would people live cheaply in a big city? I still don't understand it's like being mad at the sky for being blue.

I don't understand any of the arguments being made in that thread. It's like none of them live in the real world.

Me too. Like is there any economist dramanaut that can make sense of what their argument is?

They just want to level the playing field by bringing everyone down to their level. When everyone is a broke loser no one is and maybe then their dad might not be so ashamed of them and finally come home.

From what I understand, their argument comes from a state of brain damage.

It's cheaper to buy in my city....

I don't think that's true literally anywhere. What is it the edge of a city in a ghetto?

NYC used to be cheap when it was crime ridden and dangerous as fuck

SRD would only eat the rich if there was a delivery option.

You can eat me all you want if you accept me back. I will drop Jesus for you. Please I can't live without you.😭😭😭

I'd only do vore ERP if you deleted your account afterward to keep it authentic. :v

You don't need to eat me if you don't want to. I was just desperate.

I totally would if it meant you stopped posting.

I totally would.

Now that I think about it if I die I can't be with you after and that few minutes of enjoyment won't be worth it. But will you be my girlfriend?

I'll think about it! :>

Thank you, darling. 💕💕💕

Is there a gluten free option?

Eating the rich is too much work so they just eat eachother

I don't want to get argumentative here bc I don't want to get banned from my favorite popcorn-flavored sub but

Imagine being a scared of being banned for too much drama... on a drama sub.. good lord these SRDine are faggots lmao

Now fuck my bussy r/drama 🥴🥴🥴

Define willing? Of course the landlord didn't grab their hand, put a pen in it and sign their signature for them, but are we really gonna act like "they signed a contract so it's all ok" is an argument here?

Sharecroppers 'willingly' entered into a contract with their former slaveowners, that doesn't change the fact that they didn't really have a choice.

The government not paying for my living expenses is literally the same as slavery. 😂

I am this close to thinking tankies are all just larping for fun, you cannot be that retarded and still know how to type

"Why do hardworking frugal people end up well off while spendthrift losers like me have nothing? It's NOT FAIR."

But what if housing wasn't a commodity but a human right, preferably managed by the community? Instead of "going through the hell that is selling your house" like you have to under our current system you just say "hey, community I'm out this piece, this house is up for grabs I got another one in another community" and then you move in to your new place and the community you left is like "hey we got a house for whoever wants to move in over here" and there is no hell for buyers, sellers or renters, just people free to deal with the rest of the bullshit life is gonna throw at us without worrying about being homeless or broke piled on top?

This is so detached from reality that there are unmedicated schizophrenics out there going "whoa hold up"

I showed this to the crazy, homeless guy at McDonald's and he asked if the person needed mental health assistance.

That system will only work until someone realizes they can rip out the copper wiring and sell it for scrap.

Right? Like there are a lot, LOT of problems with this idea, but the most obvious one is how immediately every single home would get trashed. Even tenants who are legally liable for damages and have contracts and shit trash the fuck out of rental units. Some nigger who isn't even paying, has no ownership stake, and will easily get another house scott-free because hOuSiNg iS a hUMaN rIgHt is going to flood the walls with horse piss and take a hammer to the load-bearing walls just for funsies.

Also, how quickly do you think these "managed by the community" houses are going to become problematique when the community managing them decides they only want white people there.

Yeah, okay, but like...Everyone’s house will be trashed. So it won’t even matter man.

They sound like some of the psychedelic burnouts I’ve met.

if it's the ideal system then he should totally do it. Oh wait that takes work 🤣🤣

Can you imagine the fucking tantrums if the parents of these basement dwelling fucks starting charging them rent.





I hate these losers because they assume everyone wants a free home to build a NEET nest in so they can never leave and sit and play vidya gayms and make smug comments on reddit 24/7. I'm thankful for the the amount of rental options available to me because I like to move around the country and live in different cities or by different destinations like natl parks. If I had to be tied down for more than a year somewhere I'd be miserable. The more these losers talk about their commie utopia the more it sounds like a prison planet

Its just ssoooo fucking retarded i cant even play along ironically. How the fuck can that those mongoloids be stupid enough to convince themselves they would be better off if all landlords magically died?

On top of that, even in america, renting / property is very reasonably priced outside of areas in and around big cities. Either pay up for the privelege of living in a coveted area, stop being poor, or move to rural bumfuck nowhere until you can do one of the above

These arent communists, they are grifters eagerly supporting whichever ideology looks like it will provide their valueless ass with more gibs

labor-free money

That's not a real thing. What next? Mentally stable SRDine?

Reddit gradually turning on landlords and cops

Chapocels only want one thing and it’s fucking beautiful

Imo, if anything it has turned the other way. The rise of LSC/CTH and the like has made regular Reddit aware of the remarkable level of idiocy of the most lefty userbase.

They really are not smart about picking their battles. If you want to convince normal people that cops are bad, maybe don't start by picking on cute hard-working Officer Fluffers.

If it wasn't for reddit, I likely would have gone my entire life without knowing that landlords were controversial.

I mean, yeah, I've rented from a shitty landlord, but I hated him because he was a jackass, not because he owned more than one house.

Free market

*Within legal boundaries