Journo's get to the bottom of Daddy's latest shortcoming. Not acknowledging le doggos!

45  2019-10-31 by 2Manadeal2btw


Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. Journo's get to the bottom of Daddy... -,

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Trump is the first President not to have a presidential pet 😡

All of twitter are his pets

Explain don jr then

that kid fuckin WEIRD looking

shawn bradley vibes

Shawn bradley Bradley Manning vibes


The funny thing is, Donny and his mail order bride are Barron's pets.

Yeah Barron is the real POTUS

Barron, when he's reached his full grown size of 30 stories tall, will invade Mexico

While I think it's wrong to make fun of a ten year old...

...I have to admit the kid has a Village of the Damned kind of vibe going. Probably because he's so good at the cyber.

Somebody should send him an orangutan.

Wait until you see what this dog tweeted when he was 16 dog-years old!

Dog @SniffAnus69 Jan 1 2011 at 12:03 am WHERE FUD. bussy lol!

Voice of America is a tax payer funded media outlet used to spread propaganda to shithole countries.

So please excuse this lost journalist.

"do you have a source for this joke you just told" but unironically

Did Trump kill the left's sense of humour?

The unfunny tumor was already growing fast and strong, Trump just accelerated it.

Clearly you haven’t seen the daily show, SNL, all late night talk shows, John Oliver, etc etc.. The left has a good sense of humor.

Mayos and their dogs lmao


I dunno guys, it's very possible that Trump thinks that he actually did place the medal on that dog.

This is probably the dumbest thing to happen in Trump's presidency, which is extremely impressive.

Are the journos really "investigating" this photo or is it all just a troll? Because if they are really fooled by that shoop then all hope is lost

It's not just "investigating"

The President of the United State knowingly distributed an altered photograph of a major White House event in order to mislead the public for a campaign boost. This is a crime that is subject to impeachment.

Adam Schiff should be investigating this as the next article of impeachment. At the very least, this is a misuse of the public’s trust in the honesty of the President’s twitter account. Kampala was right that Twitter should ban his account for spreading fake news.

That’s the wrong way to give a medal to a dog. If you have any respect for the dog, you will wave the medal in front of his face and wing it across the White House lawn like a ninja star so he can catch it.