Current state of r/Drama 😴😴😴

16  2019-11-01 by Matues49


I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. Current state of r/Drama 😴😴😴 -,

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Whats nice is that this time its a whole gaggle of seriousposters, rather than the usual 3-4 suspects

I should go through and ban everyone that serious posted but I'm too lazy

I should ban any mods who do this bit

I meant it unironically. Most of those serious posters should get a 1 day ban for being retarded seriousposters CMV.

I mean this unironically too.

I meant my comment unironically too.

Well you're the boss

lol bitch. tell him u will ban him pussy

He outranks me so that would be retarded

that would be retarded

how did u become a mod here with this attitude

Hmm that's a good point, but it's too late now that you pointed it out.

I'm legit jist more powerful than you and don't have to justify this.

Lmao fucker

Da nature of powah

18 comments on a matues post

"Wow maybe there's a shit fit happening inside, better look"

Nope, just janny faggots doing kiss and tickle shit in the replies

Just shut the fuck up

Chad move



Radical centrist seriousposting is the only valid seriousposting

It was like r/politics and r/the_donald were shitting all over each other in drama 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

I can start work on a radical centrist platform for the Dramunist Party 🤔

I only pointed out how much of a retard Neo liberal ps is tbf

liberalism will win. Why do you even care about politics? It’s like rooting for the knicks.

I don’t care, only things I complain about are hippies and shit spending. This admin has been good about cracking down on hippies, but been spending ridiculously. Problem with liberals is they are horrible on the hippy issue and spending. So I really can’t win 🤷🏿‍♂️

What's your problem with hippies?

I like jam music and have been to a lot of phish concerts. Hippies infest these festivals. They are unemployed, smelly, and general vultures of society.

That's a little like saying "I went to the RNC and it was infested with conservatives" or "I went to a Bernie Sanders rally and it was infested with socialists".

Or Trump talking about immigrants.

They're not always sending their best, but they're not all bad?

Surely you can do better.

You clearly haven’t been around many hippies. Trust

Sometimes I wish I hadn't, but I've loved too many. I mean real love.


that thread has way more people complaining about ddf than actual ddf lmao, its just like the mdefugee nonsense, leftoids constantly spam their handwringing over a rightoid boogeyman that is way smaller than they portray.

MDEfugees were never a problem on /r/drama, mainly because they weren't many of them and also because like chapos they're super easy to spot since they can't hide thier power levels for more than 2 posts.

The complaints about MDEfugee posting came from progressivecels that got assravaged when the circlejerk here shit on them. Which has been a thing since the SRD Exodus.

Sam Hyde is a good guy.