Breadtuber Quinton Reviews makes two hour video about Nostalgia Critic movie, gets buttmad at people on reddit who say he’s too woke

73  2019-11-01 by CapeshitterCOPE


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Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. Breadtuber Quinton Reviews makes tw... -,

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Stop pretending to be a leftist Quinton, I bet you never read a single work by Mao or Kim Il Sung. I bet you still support US Imperialism against Syria and the DPRK, you would probably support US wars if Hillary Clinton was conducting them. Of course, America bombing weddings, sanctioning nations who dare oppose them or overthrowing their governments and supplying weapons to terrorists isn’t the problem it’s internet ‘bad man’ like Doug Walker. Cancel culture is reactionary not anyone here.

By the way reactionary was term used by real leftists stop smearing with your liberal fake leftism.

Lmao 🤣


This guy's downward spiral has been so pathetic. This was probably the most embarrassing point, especially since it happened shortly after he made a video titled "How Contrapoints Can Save the Internet", which he later unlisted out of embarrassment. His subgrowth has died, his views are way down and I just noticed he added "they" into his Twitter bio alongside "he" 😂😂😂😂😂

Dude would be so much happier and in general better off if only he never stumbled across the commie shit. And by commie shit I mean woke liberalism because he's just a disney obsessed child.

He also lost a lot of his fans when he decided to shill for Disney capeshit.

And by commie shit I mean woke liberalism

The Neoliberal Soviets are a new state apparatus which, in the first place, provides an armed force of markets and welfare; and this force is not divorced from the people, as was the old economy, but is very closely bound up with the people, From the economic point of view this force is incomparably more powerful than previous forces; from the GDP point of view, it cannot be replaced by anything else.

-Neoliberal Vladimir Lenin

I'll be honest I have no idea what you're trying to say

As a Neoliberal communist I believe in creating a communist society, except in this society there is no collective ownership and the economy is a free market with some welfare thrown in.

Neoliberals, leaving out the part where they sell your nation out to ChiCom since 1972

Break it down for an autist like me.

How dare you compare me to that snake oil salesman, I'm a completely different kind of snake oil salesman

Partly your dishonesty, but also your desire to kill and rob productive white people and give their stuff away to useless niggers and mexicans.

Lmao, pol you may be a retard but you wear your seeth on your sleeve, and I respect that.

Actually what's retarded is your belief that the blackenoids will be even a little bit grateful to you after you've finally destroyed society.

I don't care if they are, I just care that the mayo is destroyed with it 😘

He used to have some good videos too. It was easy to tell when he just stopped giving a shit and gave up

How funny would it be if every political video on YouTube got deleted at once. Imagine all the different types of beautiful outrage we'd have.

I remember seeing him appear like a normal, if slightly autistic, dude. Glad I never followed him besides watching a couple of his videos.

This guy is a factory-standard creepy soybeard male feminist, it's only a matter of time before he molests a foid or child.

I FUCKING HATE TRUMP - Man reviewing Spongebob cartoons