Tomi Lahren dresses up as "the person who scares her the most" for Halloween.

94  2019-11-01 by POST_BUSSY


Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. Tomi Lahren dresses up as "the pers... -,

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Didn't even apply brownface. Rightoids these days have no standards.

just another proof of how rightoids are cucked nowadays, libtards can do it while they can't

Trudeau's black face intensifies



How will the liberals ever recover?

Better start stuffing that bra tami

And those panties

And shoes πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

I'm a big fan Mr. Shapiro!

This bimbo needs to go do porn already

I dunno, she's got this kind of vacant look like a sex robot missing half its programming that I find vaguely disturbing.

I see you’re unfamiliar with bimbo fetishism

Imagine being an actual human and still being in the uncanny valley.

She's like Lucie Wilde, but not as funny.

Lucie Wilde looks like a sad turtle that can’t find it’s shell.


Her and Blair White sex tape when?

Based and coombrain-pilled

Sure certainly had enough plastic surgery for it

AOC may support rent control, but she's already living in Tomi's head rent free

Imagine anyone being afraid of AOC.

It’s honestly hilarious that a freshmen house member out of hundreds of house members has rightoids and the GOP freaking out.

Especially considering that she became a house member almost by accident. That is to say that the person who she was running against was barely doing anything to show that he was even an option on the ballet.

People literally voted for her because they didn't know other options were available.

It's called a safe seat. The Republicans threw out a body bag against her.

The district I grew up in had Joe the Plumber and a guy who sold out the local grocery store chain so he could larp as a nazi soldier run because nobody else would go against the incumbent. The next district over is more rural and is a safe Republican seat. The Democrats always throw out some no name against their guy because farmers don't vote Democrat.

Joe the Plumber

I wonder what he ended up actually doing after his political career.

Last I heard he was working a union line job at the Jeep plant.

He had a short lived job as a conservative journalist/commentator, too. I guess the lime light was too much for him.

I guess the lime light was too much for him.

Or maybe he preferred getting paid

I think you misunderstood, she campaigned while the establishment democrat nominee didn’t and she swept the nomination out from under him


She also won a primary against a pretty high ranking dem tbf.

Especially one that has no real chance of advancing beyond seatfiller in Congress. She will have to fight some old heavily supported democrat for a seat when they redraw districts in 2022 and she will probably lose. You dont have any power in Congress your first decade anyways.

The only power AOC had was she was a media darling, and she completely blew that by endorsing Bernie.


Didn't one of the generic rightoid barbies get #cancelled for expressing pro-abortion views?

Lol that was Tomi

This looks like a radical centrist's hate fuck fantasy come true.


This but so unironically. πŸ˜πŸ˜–πŸ˜―πŸ˜ž

Lmao all the leftoids calling her a whore in the comments. No self-awareness.

Lmao @ leftoids being misogynistic when it's a woman they disagree with

for real. Reminds me of how they treat Kanye.

tfw she'll never torture your cock and balls while demanding you fill her with your small-dicked sandnigger seed


I love how their go to insult is always "ugh, that fucking bartender". Like, they're openly disdainful of poor people who have to actually work for a living.


not ugly or slouching enough

Would def cum hard in her throat.