MAGAtard weighs his kid’s employment/professional future against a chance at being noticed by Daddy, goes with Daddy

122  2019-11-01 by jank_king20


womp womp


  1. MAGAtard weighs his kid’s employmen... -,

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Snappy saves the day again

Trailer park

Fucking lmao

I was wondering where he got an actual black child for the photo based on the tiny thumbnail, but it's really just a kid in blackface lmao

This is so absurd I'm laughing in spite of myself. The "black" kid is supposed to be Obama, apparently.

Literal child abuse.

Speaking of children, when are you having yours?

In a few months.

Make sure you screen it for the inevitable defects it will have, as a result of you and POJO's coupling.

I'd bet my left nut my IQ is about 40 points higher than yours.

So? It'd still be around 40IQ then.

I guess this is hard to argue with.


Lol why? This is art

Someone points out it looks like his kids hate him, Dad says “they love me shut up Satan” 😂

Major bonus: Thernovitch shows up in the replies to laugh at a Trudeau joke

Looks like they live in a trailer. So it all makes sense now.

I feel bad for the kids now 😢

With his wife’s parents too. It’s actually their trailer.

This guy’s the biggest fucking loser I’ve ever seen. Even the homeless have more dignity.

two years ago

I'd love to see the costumes now. They'd look like something Fentanyl Ben would dream of.

Needs more labels.

Imagine how wealthy they are now tho.

He's just upholding traditional American family values of using your kids as props because you're a fucking idiot.

Somebody sent their kid to school wearing Trump campaign gear awhile back in my local school district. The whole bullying event might have been staged, as it was conveniently recorded by someone's phone. Either the kid was a used as a prop, or they set their kid up to get bullied for real. I guess getting their not-even-15 minutes on Breitbart was worth fucking up their own kid.

Too retarded to not post that on social media.

Gouge said Sharon Worley, of Hickory, called the Highway Patrol’s office and told them that Burgsteiner, her son-in-law who lives with her, had borrowed a vehicle and returned it with a broken headlight.

These are the people complaining about lazy, freeloading immigrants.

Obese thumbhead


Using kids in shittily made costumes for twitter points

Hit and run murderer

Mooching off parents

Is this peak magat?

La creatura....


What is that retarded costume setup even supposed to imply?

Trump arresting Obama and Clinton

oh jesus that is so bad

That's actually hilarious, i didn't even notice the nametags. I thought this genius was just being like "yes, slavery and oppression of women"

Q predicted this.

Apparently father of the year killed a lady in a hit and run accident

I'd like to know what's not healthy about it.... is it the brown skin? Or the pantsuit? What is so terrible about the characters my children chose to be for a imaginative holiday?

And to answer that: It's the double wide

Account has been nuked. Praise snappy.

We need white replacement now

By the age of 30, of these kids is going to be a convict, one will be a stripper, and one will be a high-profile executive who, when asked about his family, maintains that he was raised in foster care.

Let’s guess who’s which.

of these kids is going to be a convict

The black one of course.

By the age of 30, of these kids is going to be a convict, one will be a stripper, and one will be a high-profile executive who, when asked about his family, maintains that he was raised in foster care.

Let’s guess who’s which.

Leftards left in shambles

Libs status: owned.


I love how it's a bootleg MAGA hat

There's nothing funny about cheaping out on daddy.

The best moment was yesterday when a Hilary post and this post were both pinned at the same time. We call that true centrism or alternatively dual ghoulism

I wouldn't expect you to understand what its like, being your son.