Friendly reminder that boomers are our primary enemy, primary threat and most retarded people on earth.

0  2019-11-01 by ponzishill

A few examples of incoherent boomer attacks:

Here millennials are spending to much on junk.

Here millennials aren't spending enough.

Here millennials are killing off the funeral industry.

Here millennials are stingy.

Here millennials are saving too much.

Here millennials are bad because they aren't buying boomer homes.

The point is, these dumb ass boomers blame us for everything. They accuse us of saving too much money, but also spending too much money. Accuse of us being entitled, while at the same time crying because they can't sell their shitty houses.

We're in a war people, and the quicker we wake up the quicker we can end the boomer menace.




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Fyi, the boomer generation is 60-75 years old right now, i sorta doubt they are the ones writing mediocre internet articles. At this point youre mostly calling gen x'ers boomers, and they precede millennials by 10-20 years at the most

Literally the manchild equivalent of an angsty teenager blaming adults for "being out of touch" lmao

I think he has mistaken a meme with reality.

3 minutes ago, 0 points

Are millennials ever not seething?

Also shilly has a point, in that Gen X is to blame for everything. If those retards spent less time doing hippie shit and more time parenting properly we wouldnt have the godless waste that is the average millennial

Yup, and ps is also glossing over the fact that he is an extremely poor/stereotypical example of a millennial.

Really? And here i thought he exemplified all that was wrong with em

lol I guess you’re right

Boomer is a culture, not an age demographic.

If the chapo thread from yesterday is anything to go by, boomers are anyone over the age of 24 who owns property

I think hatred of boomers is something everyone can agree on no matter your political slant

The whole "boomer vs millenial" thing is another attempt by the left to divide the nation demographically. By framing the issues as an age war, they are hoping to pull off a few of the younger white males from the conservatives that would otherwise be unreachable through their "women and minorities only" shctick.