Guy who deleted his blizzard acc now wants it back. Hong Kong slacktivists converge on his location.

152  2019-11-01 by 2Manadeal2btw


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You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. Guy who deleted his blizzard acc no... -,

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I personally know 5 people that pulled shit like this and came back a week later.

>called me a fascist

You hanging out with radlibs or chapos or something?

They're redditors so yeah

What's lame about the fleeting attention span of g*mers is that nothing fun and dramatic will happen at Blizzcon today.

Yes I too am looking forward to everyone doing the same 3 things: mei cosplay, winnie the pooh cosplay, and saying free hong kong during the Q&A. Hoho, so funny and original! And surely infuriating blizzard!

Even if the controversy had happened the day before blizzcon you'd just get those 3 things, but more of them. Anyone who's looking forward to blizzcon because they think it will be some hilarious dramatic thing is a fucking retard.

I told him to virtue signal to someone that cares

then everyone stood up and applauded

lol are you the guy he told to fuck off?

the odds that pizzashill and I ever exist even in the same zip code is like .0000001

I live in the middle of new orleans and he lives in some dump midwestern apartment complex behind a denny's

Called me a fascist, logged off, and was back a week later.

You know the internet lets you talk to people who live far away from you

oh that's true

well, it's still wasn't me. pizzashill won't talk shit to me, he's scared I'll kick his ass again

You live in your own world.

Except it was a WoW friend, idiot.

I think you replied to the wrong comment, so who's the idiot now?

Still you.


So there's a chance?

are you just pizzashill on an alt because you sure seem to wanna defend him a whole lot

Lmao fucking what

yeah this is why i didn't take the final step of deleting my account.

I care about my entertainment way more than being one person statistic that blizzard couldn't give less of a shit about.

That said, I haven't logged in to any blizzard game since so my morals have lasted more than a week.

was back a week later.

Should have pm'd him a "welcome back."

> implying it actually happened.

Calling something unremarkably plausible "fake" is somehow even more pathetic than falling for obvious bait.

Being an internet janitor who takes their job as seriously as you do is the most pathetic of all though.

Video game addicts are a lot like coomers


Only difference is coomers face actual addiction. Gaymers are just losers


Gaymers should be deleted

a gamers attention span is short surprised they lasted that long

Beheads all gamers tbh

From what I hear, Blizzard is in dire straits, and they royally pissed off everyone in every community. There's more than likely not going to be an apology, and more than likely we're going to see Blizzard's stock crater after Blizzcon.

lol Why do people lie to themselves like this?

People who know zero about the stock market or investing trying to act like they know everything.

Literally just cope.

Literally 14 yr olds

blizzards stock crater

Activision is actually bathing in their Call of Duty money right now.

If they were this big of a bitch why delete it in the first place

Gotta get the woke points

Woke points can't buy Halloween mercy tho lol

I need to game.

Imagine being this addicted to vidya

love all those retards in there bashing the OP for wanting his account back and "bending to corporations" while also jizzing their pants over Reddit gold.

Huh, you mean that gaymers are just virtue-signalers that just jump on the trendy outrage of the week? Color me shocked.

gotta love how the top comments:

all call him spineless for wanting to play vidya all get reddit silver/gold all type: “Edit: thank you kind stranger!”

the specimens at the intersection of gaming and anti-fascism are just too predictable