Cool wine aunts show their faces in the replies of Gerta Thunspergs Halloween tweet

28  2019-11-01 by unrulyfarmhand


/r/drama was part of my shift rightward. There are a lot of rightoids in there doing the lords work, showing people to the light. Ironic rightoid posting can still red-pill people. And good drama is still good drama, whether it's chapotards sperging out over ableism in the revolution or the Donald Defense Force sperging out about NPCs. Drama is one of the few places where actual fascists and actual leftists clash on a daily basis, and it's pretty entertaining.

I'm currently banned for circumventing the custom subreddit style at /r/drama though.


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Holy shit people actually dressed up as a girl with FAS for Halloween. That's as bad as blackface

So today is Halloween. I don’t celebrate it back home, but I thought I might give it a try.

Hold the fuck up, little Swedish meatball. That's cultural appropriation!

Thin lipped white people are gross.

sour grapes Nobody believes you, not even yourself

The blacking will come whether you want it to or not

Nothing is more terrifying to those in power than a smart young person using their voice to address systemic problems

The real world is now a YA novel apparently

I’m fine with this provided I am always shipped with my looksmatch +4, regardless of gender.

Reminder: Voldemort was killed by a group of 15 year olds.


You sound very Dolores Umbridge rn

They were adults when they finally killed him. Teenagers are such pussys that Harry got all his friends killed because he wasn't able to beat a middle age man and a pseudo-baby to death.

More kids should dress up as Ted Kaczynski for Halloween

You could carry a package with you that doubles as your candy basket.

Nothing is more terrifying to those in power than a smart young person using their voice to address systemic problems

You hear that guys? Nick Fuentes is a hero, and not all heroes wear capes. Bottomtext lmao. Dude bussy lmao. Read another book.

I don't know what's cuter, Greta doing her intimidation pose or this actually really cute dog.