"People are attacking the anime community and I'm sick of it" aka: Weebertarian rants about his degeneracy for 20 minutes

51  2019-11-01 by ItsSugar


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. "People are attacking the anime com... - archive.org, archive.today

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Literally who is this? And why the fuck does have have over a million subs?

No idea. I just went to KIA to see if I could find people whining about the Witcher series, and when I didn't find anything I just grabbed the post with the most pathetic title.

the Witcher series

Is that out yet?

Nah, but the trailer hit the front page yesterday and most people seemed excited, so I figured the KIAtards would be seething.

Oh OK. How did it look?

Like a Netflix'd game of thrones? 🤷

Personally, I don't care much for trailers. I wait for other people to do the emotional labor of watching a show and let me know if it's worth doing so.

Are we talking seasons 1 through 4 of GoT, or seasons 5 through 8? The Netflix Original banner does not inspire confidence.

That's what I was hoping to do.

It looks like our fate is in the hands of MasteLawlz.

I didn't see many black people, so maybe Kia isn't worried

Sometime in November

I just went to KIA to see if I could find people whining about the Witcher series, and when I didn't find anything I just grabbed the post with the most pathetic title.

you are the quality poster that /r/drama needs

That voice is damaging my ears

Yada yada, just give me the name of that ochako cosplayer in the thumbnail

disgusting weeb

wait wtf I'm allowed to comment now???

For now sweaty. Enjoy while it lasts... 😌


mayos and anime, name a more iconic duo

Mayos and a superiority complex


This was the best thing you could find to post today? An insufferible sounding manlet talking about people who don't like the red cross using anime titties for funding?

People are just jealous that weebs can coom so big to huge animu tiddies.

Anime is pretty cool, and it's easy to avoid the Libertarian stuff.

Attack on Titan is the story of the century, change my mind knaves

Code Geass is better

Not even close what is wrong with you

Imagine thinking anything can compete with PATHS

Berserk is for alpha males, by an alpha male.

Berserk has shit quality animation, and therefore is subpar

Only the recent ones 1997 is goat.

I don't think I ever watched much of the 97 one actually. I can't remember anything from it at least