Post locked, y’all can’t behave on a r/woodworking post with a Nip Nazi wedding ring

64  2019-11-01 by unrulyfarmhand


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its not even the rising sun flag

its just a sun rise design

This, but unironically.


  1. Post locked, y’all can’t behave on ... -,

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Bonus, just last year a guy made a whole surfboard with the same design of the WWII era japanese flag and didn’t get called a Nazi once.

oh man, the nazi finding microscopes have improved a lot!

Pretty interesting how on the surfboard it's more reminiscent of a sun rising over water, but made into a ring it suddenly looks more like the imperial Japanese flag.

Pretty sure it has more to do with Reddit's colonization by pearl-clutching insufferable faggots than anything else.

The people screaming nazi at everything legit seem like they got mkultra’d and activated into faggot mode. Nobody was like this 5 years ago.

Like the shit with drumph putin a medal on a dog, how do you justify freaking out at that, gotta be some kinda faggot virus.

It's just the old Japanese war time flag, right? Like, is there a swastika I'm not seeing or something?


Commercially the Rising Sun Flag is used on many products, designs, clothing, posters, beer cans (Asahi Breweries), newspapers (Asahi Shimbun), bands, manga, comics (e.g., Fantastic Four/Iron Man: Big in Japan, June 2006), anime, movies, video games (e.g., E. Honda's stage of Street Fighter II), etc.[12] The Rising Sun Flag appears on commercial product labels, such as on the cans of one variety of Asahi Breweries lager beer.[12] The design is also incorporated into the logo of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun. Among fishermen, the tairyō-ki (大漁旗, "Good Catch Flag") represents their hope for a good catch of fish. Today it is used as a decorative flag on vessels as well as for festivals and events. The Rising Sun Flag is used at sporting events by the supporters of Japanese teams and individual athletes as well as by non-Japanese.[13]

It's still used in modern times. There's nothing offensive about it.

It's just the old Japanese war time flag, right?

yes but it had other uses

Korean's started crying about it in 2011, it's just manufactured outrage.

Asahi Breweries

Wikipedia is the dumbest fucking website, the rising sun motif is different than the imperial rising sun

Good Catch Flag

Literal weebshit cope

I just googled it and pasted what I found. I have no clue what I'm talking about.

I know man i'm shitting on wikipedia not you, it's pretty minute differences, but Grandpappy was real specific in his racism, a scholar of it.

I think it’s funny that only last year somebody posted their woodworking and it had that flag on it and nobody said anything.

It was a flag, used in a war. End story here.

Time to cancel the 🇺🇸

Have you seen the gay version of the american flag? The star part didn’t change but the red and white stripes are converted to a rainbow.

That should be our flag because this is a faggot country now.

Generally I get really upset when people (mostly westerners) use the rising sun, because they think it’s cool without knowing the meaning of it.

Lmao fuck you Americans will appropriate whatever we want, you get disrespected like this for losing, maybe if Korea had won the war people would care what they had to say.

Based and patriotpilled

Hitler being reduced to depicted mainly as a Anime Girl nowadays would have made my Papa ecstatic, he draped the Nazi Flag he took over his front steps to celebrate his welcome home party.

Lmao ur dad would probably still get called a nazi today

I hope your marriage lasts longer than this ring. You can always make another one.

I can't help but wonder if that user knows, or it's just a flippant comment.

Sapele is also known as knock-off mahogany, and due to differences in grain patterns between sapele and maple those fine lines are going to separate and warp very shortly. Also, sapele is notorious for tarnishing in an ugly way (not a "fine patina") when in contact with anything with iron, so if that inner band isn't silver which isn't stated one way or the other, then in a very short amount of time that ring is going to be a very ugly mess.

But hey, it's the thought that counts, right?

This sounds like bullshit, but I believe it

Being Chinese, I was always taught that the Japs we’re evil for what they did to my ancestors (my grand parents lived under Japanese rule in Manchuria). But looking back, I can’t help but think that somehow we deserved it.

Chinese should understand their nation is imperialist for thousands of years. Yeah I am seriousposting.

I dated a Chinese girl for a few years and I was hanging out with her little brother watching Howl's Moving Castle. He asked a few questions about it, and was immediately disinterested once he learned it was Japanese.

Didn't they have like, baby murdering competitions or something?

Abortion isnt murder you bigot. 🙄

Pretty interesting how on the surfboard it's more reminiscent of a sun rising over water, but made into a ring it suddenly looks more like the imperial Japanese flag.

Pretty sure it has more to do with Reddit's colonization by pearl-clutching insufferable faggots than anything else.