“Dislike of the color pink is misogynistic” and other hot takes from r/WitchesVsPatriarchy.

35  2019-11-01 by Ghdust2


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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. “Dislike of the color pink is misog... - archive.org, archive.today

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A wall of text from a "male feminist"

No one forced you to do that shit moron and none of the people you're apologizing to even know you exist.

It’s not pink’s fault. :(


Who is that?

I'm not watching 20 minutes of something I still don't know.


Please be mindful of Rule 2: Destroy the Patriarchy

Someone kill me

Mary Sues are good because some women like them

Loving underdeveloped and boring characters to own the patriarchy.

That's unironically an acceptable position. For some reason people feel like they have to morally/intellectually justify liking comfy reading and end up trying to connect Harry Potter and other YA fiction to real life politics.

Harold Petrol


not a children’s series

Harry Potter and other YA fiction

and other

Start with the easy readers next time.

We need another Salem