Students dressed as ICE officers for Halloween draw outrage, administrative response

96  2019-11-02 by Funkyduffy


Latinx might possibly be the dumbest woke term made so far

the best part is that it is literally cultural appropriation

What does that mean?

Woke term used for Hispanics without being gendered when Spanish is an inherently gendered language ie latina/latino

Isn't the term "Latin" already gender neutral?

Yep. It’s super dumb but the x is needed to feel special I guess

They chose the mystery letter lmao

Sounds more like a bondage term tbh

I was expecting to see something like two guys one with ICE shirt and another dressed in a sombrero. jfc colleges are for huge fucking whiners.

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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College students are he biggest Pussies lmao

“These ‘costumes’ were simply not funny and in fact were remarkably insensitive given the present environment,”

Jesus Christ Rice has gotten so pathetic

It's the administration that's full of pussies. A large minority of college students lean left but overall just don't give a shit.

That’s not true in my experience lol. Or maybe it was just my undergrad where most kids def have a shit.

Idk I think the smaller liberal arts universities are pretty rabid and so are the ivy leagues but most state schools aren't imo except for the admin trannies and humanities faggots. In engineering/accounting I didn't see much of it at all except for the odd professor grumbling about blumpf.

I go to a commuter school so that might be the issue. Everybody just wants to go to class and then go home.

If you go to tech or community college, no one gives a shit about anything but either getting the fuck done with Tech/CC or partying in which they drop out before the end of the semester anyway.

Most of the time, The university admins cope by giving into the demands of whatever pretentious little bitches whine the loudest, generally that tends to be alot of liberal arts teachers and students, sometimes Stem and English too. I’d wager it true that most people don’t give a fuck but the vocal crowd does, and the Admins give in and encourage them to avoid starting shit.

At least at my college that’s how it works.

They could say ICE is scary monsters which would make it a great costume. Brainlets.

participate in a McMurtry town hall facilitated by their Diversity Council

Do all burger colleges have these pussy counsils now?

I went to a 99% white university liberal arts with about 15 black kids cause we had a football team. They had 2 different committees for researching racism on campus and deliberating on cases found.

What is this even? Not a burger

I think they are the guys telling lesbians they should try cock at least once.

Not male cock, but female cock

It's about mouthfeel.

What do you think the trannies and dykes getting useless degrees are doing when they’re not complaining on Twitter?

Gio Pecchio, George Huang and Sohil Shah,

What a twist

How could students possibly be punished for this costume? Like dressing up as an actual job people have lol what could the university do if they wouldn't apologize.

And people got scared, isn't that the goal of Haloween costume?

ICE is wreaking havoc on many families and causing a lot of death

I wish I could care about this but I'm too busy with Syria, Lebanon, Hong Kong, Venezeula, Anglophone Cameroon, and most importantly what's going on that drives those migrants out of their native countries. So yeah, I'm sorry if I don't have enough fucking spoons to show up at the local anti-ICE sit-in.

None of those leaders have installed concentration camps for children

none of those leaders are Obama

If you treat HK as a part of PRC then yes they did. Even more despicable ones too.

Oh really? Show me their prison bus for babies

Maybe they need to then...

Yes they did lmao retard

Don't forget Kashmir.

Eh, they were definitely being edgy twats. However, I disagree that response from admin is the wisest course in most of these cases. That just makes it worthy of media attention.

Conversely, "College Student Dresses up as [ICE officer, Al Jolson, Hitler, etc] and Receives Fewer Invites to Keggers" is a pretty weak headline.

Conversely, "College Student Dresses up as [ICE officer, Al Jolson, Hitler, etc] and Receives Fewer Invites to Keggers" is a pretty weak headline.

Yeah, I think you'd find at any sane university that people would find a Hitler, Jazz Singer, &C. costume to be perfectly acceptable and pretty funny.

Not really the impression I get from people in the target age group, except maybe at community college (who rarely party together, anyway). Even my local middle-of-bumblefuck, red state university has made headlines over some outrage culture stuff.

The absolute state of our country 😔

Yeah, it's really frustrating to me. I don't like this reactionary aspect to the left, but I don't like the xenophobia/playing footsies with theocrats on the right. I am left-leaning, so this is one of the reasons I support (what I perceive as) Sander's goal of modeling US higher education after countries like the Netherlands and Germany.

What is going unsaid is that this only works by acknowledging not every individual or degree program belongs in academia. I do oppose all the things a nice college grad should, but jfc am I sick of the purity tests.

I guess that's what happens when you pretend everyone's insane idpol is equally valuable -- you reap what you sow. On the other hand, I am a fascist, so I get to be an incorrigible racist, sexist, transphobic, islamophobic, xenophobic, homophobe and it's all fun and games.

Where did you meet people who treat all opinions equally? I want to know so I can get my Jane Goodall on (99% of the reason I used to go clubbing).

They fucked up by apologizing and stepping down. Should've owned it.

Clothes trigger the left now huh? Fucking hilarious lol.