What's more epic fantasy? An actual black person playing world of warcraft or 99% of the player base not jacking it to Asian ladies? WoW discusses.

47  2019-11-02 by Neon_needles


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I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. What's more epic fantasy? An actual... - archive.org, archive.today

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did the mad mayos get jannied already? cause all i see even sorted by controversial is "oof yikes so many racists itt"

Oof that racism is gonna be a yikesaronie from me fam.

Wow players don't say yikes tho probably brigaders

Thats how it always is, the three comments of people who CANT BEHAVE are quickly burried, but the mods still have to sticky a retarded comment to show how they do not support that at all...

Finally World of War raft can look like your average experience in London.

Yeah, you can use the humans to represent the normal people and the other races to represent the Brits

Goblins would be good for that.

It's no London without a Paki knife mob, I don't see pakis in that picture.

That's just Blackrock in Vanilla.

Didn't they just add a black model for the rogue class?

Rogue: NOUN

a dishonest or unprincipled man

Fucking lol.

not being a arab fire mage.

Based and Djinn pilled.