Why eat the rich when you can eat eachother?

119  2019-11-02 by charming_tatum


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"Hey I think we have too much infighting on the left"


Every single time 🤣🤣🤣

I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


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Bernie is barely a leftist himself

Everyone right of Marx is a fascist reeeeeeee

Social Democracy is barely leftist.

Americans don't deserve Democracy.

This but unironically.

Starship trooper style representative democracy when?

Soon Godwilling

Monarcho techno barbarianism is the only light.

Edit: some people have DMed me and it seems like people don't understand the wonderful system that is monarcho techno barbarianism. It's a system where we design a societal exclusion zone and create long standing systems to produce technological artifacts for small bands of people to aid in their primitivists lifestyle, within those bands all members are free of hierarchies except for a single king that everyone has to obey unless they can defeat him in single combat thus becoming the new king.

Wait isn't that Black Panther

Not exactly but some elements are similar, black panther has too much structure and too many laws. The day to day lives of techno barbarians would be spending a few hours hunting/gathering/preparing food and then just fucking and broing out. Not lame ass jobs and research roles.

Meh Lee Kwan Yu's Singaporean democracy is the only one that will last.

So semi benevolent nationalist socialist dictatorship propped up by mass immigration and a feeling of superiority over surrounding asian nations?

Some of the people on that sub are a trip. By any sane metric, I'm on the left of the US political spectrum, but holy crap.

I love that this is coming from a sub that is making fun of "centrists" when they don't have a fucking clue where the average person in the US stands.

The average person is usually moderate, you know like people with lives, hobbies and a decent life? Only internet weridos have these strong left or right opinions. They don’t have the social skills to understand or been outside

I'm beginning to suspect that they're really not centrists there.

To them centrists are ppl who are right of Hitler

It's a far left circle jerk.

Whoever thinks that Europe is a left-wing paradise and therefore everyone in the U.S. is a rightoid really needs to spend a couple of weeks in Hungary.

In Hungary it is a mainstream accepted view to want to preserve "the white and Christian culture of Hungary" from aliens.

As if Hungarians aren't aliens

We are more based than Americans, we built a wall to protect against illegal immigration, and noone, not even the left wingers here want to demolish it. And how that Trump wall is going, you didn't even build it lol.

I'm sure that helped prevent the flood of people going to Hungary for a better life lmao.

They are just passing through, but closed borders give hungary some degree of power since they can always say 'we dont like that decision, stop it or we will open the borders reeee'

A lot of them don't want to assimilate, and cause troubles. Just look at this case that happened in England, Pakistani pedophile ring, 47 victims: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochdale_child_sex_abuse_ring

Forming a massive conspiracy to molest huge numbers of kids is assimilating to British culture though.

Why would I care what happens in a third world shithole

Do people actually immigrate to Hungary lol

No they just want to go to Germany going through Hungary.

They try and move through Hungary towards more desirable countries.

literal europoors actually believe this lmao

Wtf I love uralic nomands now

Wasn't the village from Borat filmed in Hungary?

No that was in Romania

I am not one of those who wish to see the people of Hungary take up arms again in a rising certain to be crushed, under the eyes of the nations of the world, who would spare them neither applause nor pious tears, but who would go back at one to their slippers by the fireside like a football crowd on a Sunday evening after a cup final.

There are already too many dead on the field, and we cannot be generous with any but our own blood. The blood of Hungary has re-emerged too precious to Europe and to freedom for us not to be jealous of it to the last drop.

But I am not one of those who think that there can be a compromise, even one made with resignation, even provisional, with a regime of terror which has as much right to call itself socialist as the executioners of the Inquisition had to call themselves Christians.

And on this anniversary of liberty, I hope with all my heart that the silent resistance of the people of Hungary will endure, will grow stronger, and, reinforced by all the voices which we can raise on their behalf, will induce unanimous international opinion to boycott their oppressors.

And if world opinion is too feeble or egoistical to do justice to a martyred people, and if our voices also are too weak, I hope that Hungary's resistance will endure until the counter-revolutionary State collapses everywhere in the East under the weight of its lies and contradictions.

Hungary conquered and in chains has done more for freedom and justice than any people for twenty years. But for this lesson to get through and convince those in the West who shut their eyes and ears, it was necessary, and it can be no comfort to us, for the people of Hungary to shed so much blood which is already drying in our memories.

In Europe's isolation today, we have only one way of being true to Hungary, and that is never to betray, among ourselves and everywhere, what the Hungarian heroes died for, never to condone, among ourselves and everywhere, even indirectly, those who killed them.

It would indeed be difficult for us to be worthy of such sacrifices. But we can try to be so, in uniting Europe at last, in forgetting our quarrels, in correcting our own errors, in increasing our creativeness, and our solidarity. We have faith that there is on the march in the world, parallel with the forces of oppression and death which are darkening our history, a force of conviction and life, an immense movement of emancipation which is culture and which is born of freedom to create and of freedom to work.

Those Hungarian workers and intellectuals, beside whom we stand today with such impotent sorrow, understood this and have made us the better understand it. That is why, if their distress is ours, their hope is ours also. In spite of their misery, their chains, their exile, they have left us a glorious heritage which we must deserve: freedom, which they did not win, but which in one single day they gave back to us.

Albert Camus October 23, 1957

still unemployed then?

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2011 burning rainbow, never forget

I think people realize there are countries to the right of the US in Europe, but are usually just expressing admiration for the progressive, social democracies in Europe. My husband used to live in the Netherlands, and he does this a lot (uses "Europe" and "the Netherlands" interchangeably). I know what he means, but Switzerland didn't even let women vote until the 80s or something.

but Switzerland didn't even let women vote until the 80s or something.

Absolutely based.

No wonder the country was in such good shape.

I dunno. Turns out white boomer women are just as lame as their husbands, so it probably didn't change much.

Well, the Swiss are one of the only nations who've kept their guns and haven't been overrun by economic migrants, so they must be doing something right.

"A republic, if you can keep it" and all that, you know.

haven't been overrun by economic migrants

Like 25% of their population is economic migrants.

Not being formally occupied during WW2 was quite an accomplishment, based on their location, though. I think Switzerland is where the family in the The Sound of Music ends up (not sure if this is common knowledge, but it's based on the story of the real von Trapp family - probably with some artistic license).

Kept their guns? Really?

How easy is it to get a gun in Switzerland?

Pretty much as easy as in the US, biggest difference is that instead of an instant background check at the POS you have a crime records extract sent by mail that you take into the gun store.

Seems like they have limits on types of ammunition and getting a CCW permit is a heck of a lot more difficult... need it for a security job or imminent threat to your life.

The only ammo restrictions they have are on government subsidized ammo. If you go to a range you can buy this ammo at a reduced price but you can't take it home, and whatever you don't shoot is bought back by the range. You can still buy this ammo to take home, but you have to pay the full retail price, and it's not cheap.

All ammo should be government subsidized, including tank shells.

My understanding was that hollow points were not allowed. But I'm going by what I read online... so yeah.

I guess you aren't ironically hard right, then. I wasn't sure. I'm definitely not into nationalism, but it's kind of refreshing that this sub seems to attract people with more than one political stance. The posts feature people of all political stripes being asshats, which I hope is sustainable.

I guess you aren't ironically hard right, then.

No one's harder, or righter -- in that order.

which I hope is sustainable.

Dramacoin is booming. This ride never ends.

No one's harder, or righter

Because redditors be dirty.

Dramacoin is booming. This ride never ends.

Is dramacoin specifically right or left leaning? I liked r/insanepeoplefacebook before it went private. The submissions were almost always legit crazy. However, political stupidity was not well-received unless it was rightwing stupid. The truth is, humans are pretty stupid in general. If you consider the size of our frontal lobes, we could try a little harder. One dude invents the wheel & everyone goes "We're so smart!" Smh. Edit: fucking formatting

Is dramacoin specifically right or left leaning?

It's bipartisan, for sure.

I'll check it out. Thanks!

haven’t been overrun by economic migrants


  • wait let me catch my breath -


Mean wealth per person is ~$500k in Switzerland and ~$20k in Germany.

Yes, but how do you want me to interpret that? Income is relative. At the same time, I believe Germany is one of the wealthiest countries in Europe, so it's probably not like comparing somewhere in AL to San Francisco/Oakland, CA (US-centric comparison, but it probably works).

Probably why they are prosperous enough to afford all the welfare stuff tbh.

Not until the 90ies in some regions actually

Thanks. I was trying to remember whether 80s or 90s was more accurate. I usually Google this kind of stuff, since I know I suck at timelines. I was really surprised the first time I heard about this, just because that is a major cultural difference given the countries it shares a border with.

I still want to visit eventually, because the landscape is magnificent.


not to mention are single-payer system in the eastern block is mostly a left over from socialism, the reason why rightoid parties here "support it" is because privatising it would threaten the status quo and would face electoral backlash, not because they are to the left of Warren lol, or are that different from Republicans

this shit is not hard to understand, yet American succs and progressives don't get it somehow

The same people should also look past the media headlines when people like Granpa Bernie praise some european countries for their socialist elements.

Judging from an outside perspective, Warren is pretty much a conservative, while Bernie is a moderate with left leaning tendencies.

Lol wut

Children repeating "american left is european right" has reached its final stage. These people think that boris Johnson would be an American leftist.

I can't think of a single country on earth. Not even Sweden or Canada, where Warren would be considered a conservative by their local political climate.

People really do live in a reddit-verse.

In my country she would be stoned as a harlot inshallah

In my country she’d be teaching 4th graders grammar

In my country she would serve me as a slave.

I know. Reading that hurt my brain

Are these mushroom brains forgetting that America doesn't have a lot of the same popular programs their country has, or that the Overton window exists? Like, no one running for office in Canada or the UK would never say "I want the government to pay for some, but not all of healthcare", they already have single payer and America doesn't. The person making that statement would still be trying to pull the country to the left.

Wouldn’t be a Reddit post without mention the “Overton window” at least once

That doesn’t make it less real.

I don’t think I said it wasn’t real lol

It's called freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences.

Prion disease is the latest liberal trend now. Nice.

Death by Kuru!

Wanna make workers more conscious? Be among them. Talk to them about their complaints with the bosses. Engage in their struggles directly.

Gotta have a job first lol. Ever met a union steel or electrical worker? They're very big on their unions and workers rights but they certainly won't listen to some limp wristed socialist.

Man I really dig that comic, gives me a good feeling I ain't so nuts after all.

Been feeling real guilty for sticking to liberalism since the left war began.