Bloody civil war in r/TruePoliticalHumor ensues when someone makes fun of THEIR side 😡

197  2019-11-02 by CommissarCletus


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Lmao that meme actually makes a good point

You know you've struck a nerve when a mod has to sticky his counter-meme.

Lol that’s the best part. If it weren’t against the rules I’d reply ‘cope’ to that sticky.

Oh no. Not the rules.

It was already there anyway. Remember the jannies are watching

Saying “cope” is against the rules?? How much more cucked can a sub get?

He means replying in a linked thread is against the rules ;)

Oh yeah that’s the rule I don’t follow I just comment on the other sub before I comment here

They banned me for five days for doing that 😠

Do it, you pussy.

Peak rightoid janny cope lol

It comes across as ironic. Either that, or he's claiming that the entirety of his forum are sexy homosexual men.

Perhaps, but it is a mod and thus undeserving of the benefit of the doubt.

A great many of these young men have an interest in evolutionary psychology and evolutionary sociology — they like to think of themselves as “alpha males,” as though they were living in a chimpanzee troop — but it never occurs to them to consider their own status as rejects and failed men in that context. Online fantasy lives notwithstanding, random girls do not want to have sex with them. How do we know this? Because they are carrying tiki torches in a giant dork parade in Charlottesville. There’s no prom queen waiting at home. If we credit their own sociobiological model, they are the superfluous males who would have been discarded, along with their genetic material, by the pitiless state of nature. The fantasy of proving that they are something else is why they dream of violence and confrontation. They are the products of the soft liberal-democratic society they hold in contempt — and upon which they depend, utterly.

Lmao that’s the truth. They latch onto skin color bc that’s their greatest accomplishment.

Like they bitch asses could stop BLACK BVLL Toussaint L'Ouverture


lmfao excellent roast

Reminds me of a great Sean Connery quote

Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.

Indescribably based.

I could beat this guy’s ass


There’s no prom queen waiting at home. ... they are the superfluous males who would have been discarded, along with their genetic material, by the pitiless state of nature. The fantasy of proving that they are something else is why they dream of violence and confrontation. They are the products of the soft liberal-democratic society they hold in contempt — and upon which they depend, utterly.

This also describes incels, chapos, and antifa.

But it's fun seeing a chapocel spergout everytime someone tells him to add commies.

Honestly the "W-what about the commies, checkmate lefty" just makes them seem more mad.

Both sides sperg out when made fun of


One that's been made a billion times already. If anything not making the kid super obese like usual lessens the impact.

chapo meme detected. Commence decontamination

the absolute state 😂😂😂

Now do commies

Based and centrispilled

somehow i doubt the same people will respond with "now do nazis" on the anti leftoid posts 🤔🤔🤔


It turns out that sometimes the left CAN meme.

A sub that actually accepts everyone regardless of their political standpoint and accepts all types of political humor.

The best joke was in the sidebar all along

its always what rightoids say when they make a COPE version of a big sub because they get voted down whenever they start talking about how sexy ted cruz looks.

Political subs are hard to manage. If it's open, it gets taken over by retards. If it claims to be open but isn't, the retards have already taken control.

well if it allows memeposting it usually gets overrun by rightoids anything else and it defaults to reddits default which is /r/politics

r/politics is carefully stage managed, though. Most redditors aren't that stupid, and I'm not saying they're not stupid. I'm saying they're "stick a fork in a wall socket" stupid, not "stick my dick in a wall socket" stupid.

r/politics is carefully stage managed, though. Most redditors aren't that stupid

I think you need to go check out other political media on facebook and twitter, /r/politics is basically Harvard compared to them and most other political subs on the site and yeah /r/politics is the average redditor you have to be completely off your meds to think that the average redditor isnt a liberal.

A sub that actually accepts everyone regardless of their political standpoint and accepts all types of political humor.

But you're not even allowed to make fun of nazi LARPers?


Meme's not bad, but OP posts in r/teenagers so he's either a retarded zoomer or a male feminist

A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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Wow a sub that actually..


They didn't ban/delete it

This is progress


not yet.

Bets on that being sub #110?

stickied mod comment seething over the meme

jannies mad x24

cope reply by mod

hitler wasn’t really a chad I mean gerbels was a troll figure who limped worse than gapeto

If you've gone to the Holocaust museum and seen some of those beautiful men Hitler killed, you'd realize that it was actually the weak untermensch incel Kraut beta males killing the superior Alpha Chad Jew through base trickery and other dishonorable means. The average Nazi is the same as he's ever been: a pathetic loser who deserves to be bullied and longs to shave his betters bald and shoot them without repercussions.

Mde retards cope so hard

WTF when did the left learn to meme? At least the thread proves that the right still can't.

It’s actually a marvelous radical centrist meme, the left still cannot meme

>At least the thread proves that the right still can't.
